I suppose Katy Perry's "California Gurls" should have discussed water shortages, migrant farm worker's rights, rising rent and gentrification, and state budget shortfalls.
I suppose Katy Perry's "California Gurls" should have discussed water shortages, migrant farm worker's rights, rising rent and gentrification, and state budget shortfalls.
There's a lot of Koreans with sympathy for the North/family in the North in Japan.
Don't forget the "Land this superhot woman" guide I usually see at the top. Where the focus is the dude getting the orgasm. Women's magazines? Focus on the male orgasm again, some shit about women's orgasms, but mainly making HIM feel good. When do you see a male magazine as focused on giving women orgasms?
I find Men's Health super surreal. It is a conglomerate of stupidity and lowest common denominator ideas sewn together with steroids, or some sort of extremely calculated advertisements designed to make men feel equally insecure and inflated, just enough so they will open their wallets?
Its the little things that make me happy.
The phenomenon of just one party being narrowly associated with the kinds of views you describe is itself a new one and maybe partly the source of this polarization. In the 1950s and 1960s, plenty of Democrats were against civil rights legislation and neither party was uniformly affiliated with just one set of views…
Totally. Since when does "nerdy career lawyer and skilled political operator" = "badass"?
Maybe Pragmatic Squirrel just likes Latin, ok?
As far as certification goes, is "badass" better than "kickass"?
"how do women actually feel about a teeny tiny dick?"
What would be wrong with it? The conclusion would be the same - some men like itty bitty tits, some like huge tits, some like medium. Big fucking deal.
I think it's okay to have a preference for dicks that are not small and further I don't really give a rat's what your penis thinks about small boobs or the fact that this was posted on Jez and there is no counterpart about gaping vaginas. Women are told by everyone and their mother both directly and indirectly that…
This made me curious to look it up. I'd actually need to bike 50-60 miles to burn 2000 calories.
I know it's easy to say, "Oh, the West is the worst," but these kinds of "outsiders carry disease" attitudes aren't unusual to the big bad West. Japanese even today believe that HIV is a "foreigner disease" even though the HIV infection rate in Japan is on the uptick among Japanese themselves. These problems are…
Yeah I always find the line of reasoning "But I know people who haven't been abused by him!" weird. Like, do you except a rapist is going to rape EVERYONE he meets?
That is ridiculously charming. I am DEAD.
It should also be noted that Taylor is a serial killer: