It's basically a massive hematoma putting large pressure on the tissue for a sustained period of time. It can even cause ischemia.
It's basically a massive hematoma putting large pressure on the tissue for a sustained period of time. It can even cause ischemia.
Look, are you a junk stabbing expert? It's all well and good to run around judging others on their needle in penis solutions here on Jezebel I guess.
Incorrect. I haven't looked at them and have no intention of doing so, but if I did it wouldn't make a criminal. I'd be morally complicit in their theft, but not legally so. "You're still a wanker" would be both accurate AND clever.
Lol, the cockney accents are pretty damn entertaining though.
What if you looked at the naked pictures, but didn't masturbate to them?
"...and either your boyfriend is going to look at porn or he's going to look at porn and you."
Hpmie is too busy doing a dime store cynic thing to make since.
As a person who was sexually abused between the ages of 14-15 by men who were 19-24, I believe I might have insight into how the victim may feel later on. My situation is different because the people were not authority figures and some of my experiences with those people I already came to terms with as being…
I'd say that given the evidence I've seen for both ghosts and gods, I can't believe in one and not the other, because it's equally not credible. But I'm only a weak atheist and a weak agnostic, so if someone proved there were ghosts or a god showed up and started doing godlike things, I'd believe in whichever of those…
You need to shut your blowhole before I shit my pants. Stop it stop it stop it oh god make it stop, Setz.
I like how some feminist are always complaining about patriarchy and how society has been set for years to condition people to believe something that should be questioned but when it comes to the age of consent that the United States has set, that is set in stone and unquestionable.
Then they may be taking a perfectly good man out of circulation for no reason! Hoarders!
Sounds like my ex-boyfriend. Strung me and my broken heart along for two years. He was super pissed when I finally moved on and made sure to tell me what a loser he thought my new man was. I've been married to that new man for 14 years now. And no, no one is waiting in the wings because he is fucking awesome.
They're Steinbeck by the standards of the genre. Smart writing, smart characters, believable tech [i.e. no invisible cars] and excellent actors.
shaky hand held camera
Pandemic 2 taught me that once your disease gains enough evolution points, you can cash them in for more symptoms or more methods of disease transmission. What if ebola has gained enough evolution points?!?!!!
How do I know which blood and feces I can play with?
I am not proud to say I would do that at least once, except if I ever (god forbid!) got pregnant I would be having that abortion LONG before I began to show enough to troll a bar full of people.
GAH!! You shouldn't have said that out loud... on the internet!!! Shhhh.... do you hear that? It's the friend-zoners... they'll be here soon. ALRIGHT PEOPLE, SCATTER BEFORE THEY START COMMENTING!