
Your homo could be a really heavy drinker.

As long as they're not drinking vaccines, their babies will be fine.

Nah, it's because the all the urls with correct spelling are taken. Startups can't afford that "e."

The problem is that they are starting to clamor for punishments, which led to women in various states being charged as criminals for miscarriages or failed abortions. Increased logical consistency = increased inhumane laws/prosecutions, because pro-life dogma is inherently hostile towards women. The further you take

Depends. if you are starting a new honeymoon with a new SO every few weeks to couple months, then, no. You are not exempt and stop changing your relationship status already.

Exception granted. :)

I know, right? Way to dumb down an otherwise awesome show.

That's the kid's personal disorder showing up, represented by his left hand.

I've known some 4channers IRL (never participated myself; deeply distasteful site). They're not particularly liberal, but young so definitely not Fox News viewers. And for the most part, they were just bored and frustrated and looking for an outlet for that.

Lucky his respawns weren't restricted.

I think comolaflor's point is that specific to certain issues, if a person's only reason for not liking something is "Jebus said no," then you aren't going to get anywhere.

He said you can't have intelligent discourse with someone who is religious when they fall back on the argument that "well it's true because god (imaginary deity in my head) said so", and he is correct, there is no way to argue a point on that basis because there is no logic to argue. I don't think he meant you can't

Imaginary people are easier to deal with, yes.

My theology is totally Snapist.

I saw a documentary that linked the adoption of Christianity by rulers with it's good/bad, christian/pagan dichotomy which made it a useful tool. Anyone who opposes you isn't a good Christian so they are evil and deserve punishment. I thought that was an interesting idea.

That history isn't actually true. Christianity never suffered the mass persecution that some early "historians" invented. ike today's Christians, they were so bad at history that they claimed to be thrown to the lions in the Colosseum during a time period where the Colosseum didn't even exist.


You're presenting this as if it's a choice between safe abortion and dangerous abortion, but it's a choice between misoprostol and other, more dangerous methods of abortion.