
Every woman can take this attitude for the aspects of their life that they have total control over, but for most women that is extremely limiting.

Seems to me someone has been playing Zork a little too much XD

To be fair, the last couple of NBA 2K games look good enough that, until it zooms in close on an individual player, it really does pass for broadcast basketball. When the camera is pulled back, above the players and the court, it does look incredibly convincing. Moreso than the other sports games, in my opinion.

As not a doctor but someone whose mother has cancer and whose father-in-law died of it, as well as a number of other people I know: it depends on the cancer and the person. There's no hard-and-fast rule. Some cancers are very aggressive. Some aren't. Some cancers spread easily to other tissues .Some don't. We're just

It's typical Gawker. Crazy headline, less crazy real lede. Sigh.

5 year breast cancer survivor here... For the surgery part of your question... I chose to have a bilateral mastectomy because I wanted to reduce my risk of recurrence. Just having a lumpectomy and radiation would have resulted in the same percentage risk, but I was more comfortable with getting rid of all the tissue.

some cancers are caught earlier than others ( mammograms can catch cancers in situ before they have the ability to metastasize by looking for suspicious calcifications, for instance). Some invasive tumors, which now have the ability to metastasize, are smaller than others, so size of invasive tumor when diagnosed

I'm not a cancer surgeon either, but have personal experience. from what i understand, there are many types of cancer tumors, and some grow faster than others. My mothers breast cancer appeared quickly and had spread to her lymph nodes by the time it was found, only 6 months after a clean mammogram. Other tumors

I am not an expert on this, but the answer seems to be: it depends. It's not as simple as just removing the tissues sometimes, as you have cancers like leukemia or lymphoma that aren't always limited to one site.

I think in most male cases, it's related to genetic mutations (BRCA). Women can also have this mutation. Those cancers are more aggressive because, as my best friend explained it, it's like the brake lines are cut - the BRCA protein (I'm not a scientist, he is, I might have the words wrong) doesn't regenerate or

"Cancer" is an overarching term for a whole bunch of similar diseases, typically affecting different parts of the body. It's not always as "easy" as a lumpectomy or even a mastectomy.

Source: Former cancer researcher.

Some cancers spread more quickly than others. Not all cancers behave the same way, and even within a certain type or even subtype of cancers, individuals' cancers may behave differently.

Cancers spread in many different ways and at many different speeds, but a key thing to know is that it's not simply a matter of adjoining cells — cancer cells often break away from the initial tumor and travel via blood stream or lymphatic system to other parts of the body.

naturism is a way of life while nudism is a preferred recreation. So to practice the core values in naturism one does need to be nude in below freezing temperatures ;)

I think that only a cancer surgeon could answer this question, so I don't think it's a stupid question.

Depends on the person. There are hardcore nudies who are naked even when it's 60 degrees and chilly! I get cold really easily, so I should really move to a warmer climate haha.

10/10 would burn to death for.

I really, really hope one of the arresting officers said that.

Dodgson! Dodgson! We got Dodgson here!

I suppose theoretically we are supposed to be treating animals used for meat and other byproducts humanely when they are alive. The narrative is that they don't live in pain and their deaths are swift and as pain-free as is possible. Obviously that's bullshit, but that's the story.