
I'd agree. I think the shared language thing has lot to do with it too (Australians and Canadians also seem to have little trouble here); not exactly logical, but that's never stopped anyone!

I think it could be a difference in lighting in those pictures. There have been several articles on that.

Well, according to the above apparently 7% of Americans would find it uncomfortable for their relative to marry someone "born and raised outside the United States." But I'm willing to bet that really only applies to certain countries i.e. the less white ones.

I am not specifically saying that Stacey Dash does it, but I do believe there is a process that some people of color take advantage of that lightens their skin. It is pretty popular in India. And if you notice, there are number of black celebrities that became considerably paler than they were earlier in their

I was heartbroken when I learned about otters!!!

well, I do make an exception for Lucifer as played by Mark Pellegrino... Does that count?

The crazy thing is, I feel most people don't even have the money, they put $30K on credit cards. Or half of it. I don't think the average person has $30K laying around in cash.

There's quite a lot of dialogue though it is not fully voiced. And from what I have played so far, all the characters are with you for conversation purposes regardless of your 5 man party.

I read somewhere that the $30,000 number was incredibly misleading because those few $10 million weddings skewed the numbers so much. The median amount for Americans was like half of that. *Edit- sigh, I should have reloaded before posting, beaten by so many people.

But as to the other part of your post about spending

Love your comment! I was married in a dress I had worn before, on the deck of my mother's house, in front of 2 people. SO NOT A PRINCESS!

You know what bugs me? You look on wedding sites where naturally everyone is obsessive and uptight about proper etiquette, and you start to notice that everything that costs more money, or appears to cost more money, is expected, whereas something that probably WOULDN'T offend most reasonable people but is more

Cuteness weaponized.

I know that her poetry was supposed to be god awful, but man, I seriously cringed every time any of it was read out loud. I'm sure the localization team had a lot of fun with it hahah.

Most of the time it happend between people who knew what the deal was so they knew it was a challenge of a sort, my guess is if it happend to a person who did not know that and gave a genuine answer they might have just gotten to walk away.

...I just can't

Is it called Bayomecha?

The first thing I thought of when I heard this was "Is the mech made of her hair, too?"

Yes! I'm a dedicated night owl by nature, and my husband seems to need a lot more sleep than I do. He also has trouble sleeping without me. Yet if I go to bed with him, I toss and turn while listening to him snore. Either way, one of us isn't sleeping well.

Exactly. No matter how tired I am, as soon as I get home I'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, so what's the point? Might as well drag my ass through the workday. It's not like they pay me extra for being wide awake.