
This is such a cleaned up, "party story" version of the original article in The Guardian. The dolphin in question pretty much died of a broken heart when people he was used to depending on for companionship (because, you know, he was dolphin-napped from the wild) seemingly abandoned him. It didn't end well for a lot

Hedonic treadmill!!

because most guys just want to stuff their P in the V as quickly as possible?

Really? I find orgasms like exercise. The more I do it, the more I want to do it, and the overall easier it is for me to achieve orgasm.

Oh fully. It was sad, and rightfully called out.

Your post is why I am not tired of this meme yet.

or Venus in Furs by Masoch, or anything by Georges Bataille. I especially recommend Blue of Noon or Story of the Eye.

Didn't exist in written form. But much of that which we consider modern has always been part of oral tradition (stream-of-consciousness; fragmentary narratives; unreliable narrator): I appreciate your thoughtfulness on the subject; perhaps you are more optimistic than I. It just always seems to me that we consider

The former. The Elliot Rodgers thing also made me seriously evaluate myself and whether I was ever at risk of becoming like him.

Despite how you may feel otherwise Bethenny Frankel, I assure you that little girls' tushies are quite resistible. In fact, I highly suggest you resist squeezing them.

I know! If you substitute the animals, this is how I pose for pics with my dad:

This is so wrong on so many levels. A girl's sexuality should not be related in any way to her father. Pledging her purity to him is the most sexist, regressive, and patriarchal act one can do in contemporary American society. Its even more literal than a father giving away the bride at a wedding.

I'm sure those 5 year olds were ready to make that kind of commitment, know what it means, and won't have second thoughts. Considering 3% of Americans wait until marriage I am predicting none of these ladies will remain "pure".

Maybe it's just me, but all I can see are child brides in their wedding portraits. Those poses are super creepy and couple-y. Not how I looked when I posed with my dad at my wedding, or any pictures. Ergh.

I think I would go with

Fixed it for you.

Yeah, the worst is the passive aggressive follow-up message a day after they've been ignored - "I guess you were busy." If I had been considering replying to that initial message, I'm certainly not going to now!

I'm a woman, and I've had good experiences with OKC. I think the problem a lot of women have is that they don't browse matches and initiate contact; they just sit back and wait for guys to message them. And those guys are much more likely to be losers or simply poor matches. Of the guys I've actually liked and gone

I went on a date once with a guy from OkCupid and he introduced me to his entire family as his girlfriend. It was so incredibly awkward, he didn't even tell me 'Hey our first date is going to be a family get together.'