FIRST COUSIN OR GO HOME. You know, your end of the house.
FIRST COUSIN OR GO HOME. You know, your end of the house.
I take comfort in the idea. Imagine being immortal. Imagine knowing that no matter how bad things get, no matter how out of touch you become, no matter how much the world isn't what you think it ought to be, it will never be over. No thanks.
I think there needs to be a cultural shift towards understanding that death is natural and OK, towards hospice, DNR orders, and physician-assisted suicide. Sadly a lot of times peoples' family members don't understand that grandma isn't going to get better, she's only going to deteriorate slowly and painfully.
I laughed so hard because I've never seen my dad without his beard and mustache and he said the same thing. He's in his 70's and has no plans on shaving.
Nah. I've often considered my death to be a gift in a way because it lets me create meaning and finality to my existence. I may have taken Tolkien too seriously, but I think he was on to something with the Gift of Men thing. It's when we see life as a thing to prolong forever rather than experience that we truly miss…
A final solution, maybe, but not really much of a solution.
I imagine it's because the majority of people with the most to lose in the healthcare debate are the oldest and sickest. They're also the ones with the most AARP power behind them. :-P
The dirty not-so-secret is that there are already plenty of "death panels" in medicine. What do people think happens when they decide who gets a donor organ?
Ha! I so wish, cause I really liked jumping out of the plane. But no, that day was hard enough logistics-wise for a lady in her forties. I had a long nap in the middle of the day, ate low-carb snacks and drank lots of coffee.
I soooo wish I could make this true for you!
The plane premise reminds me of The Langoliers. If there's a dude who calms down by tearing strips of paper, I'm there.
Well, at least they're doing things together as a family.
My lifestyle choices are finally validated, confirmation bias FTW!!
Yup. Y'all can pry my Diet Coke/Coke Zero from my cold, (fat) dead hands. Mama needs to be awake for this trifle called "a job."
Pink is in love with Blue. But Blue can't decide between Pink and Stripes and at this point is just stringing them both along. Red is in love with Yellow, but Yellow isn't interested in Red, but Red just doesn't want to accept it. Yellow is in love with Green and Plaid, but that's only because she doesn't know the…