
It made me sad to be honest, even if this guy thinks the friendzone actually exists. I hope he gets over this and thinks more of himself so he can be successful in future relationships.

"why did she choose him over me?"
because he's nathan fillion. *i* would choose him over me.

I think it varies by who's doing the criticizing, but I'm comfortable saying that when it comes from cis people it's pretty much always just that they're thinking along the lines of anti-lesbian narratives. Lesbian sex doesn't involve men, which leads a lot of people to (on some level or even consciously) view it as

Yeah, unless you and your friends are wealthy and the money is nothing — but then it would be more like $5-10k. Just having $800 in the bank that you could spend is no reason to spend it on bullshit. Nobody is entitled to that. If you want me to stand up at a wedding, let me wear my own damn dress and shoes. If you

I mean, just think about any social worker, building inspector, regulator, or other person who had a concern that wasn't acted on, and then an eventual bad outcome happened. If the state was liable every time they'd go bankrupt overnight.

I'm almost impressed with how beautifully this lines up with the double standard these assholes are wedded to — girls who have a lot of sex get dirty and gross (bad!), but boys who have a lot of sex get plenty of candy (awesome!).

Not to mention that M&Ms are best when you have several in your mouth at a time.

What would you doooooo, for a Klondike Whore?

It wouldn't get so dirty if it had some kind wrapper on it. I feel like there's a useful lesson in there somewhere. Just a thought, Mississippi.

I find I'm really rooting for Olivia's mom. Her blend of evil is fun compared to all the overwrought B613 hijinks.

After following this story and all its twists and turns I really think it basically comes down to "oh college freshmen" *knowing look*

Surprised it took this long to show up on Jez. The father was told by bother his son, and his daughter, that it was a stranger (the son didn't know who it was). Father didn't shoot until he a) determined he didn't know the kid and b) called 911 and c) only shot after the boy made a move the father saw as

He saw her in person, thought she was attractive, hits on her on instagram, even asks "you're 18?". This is not the creepiest thing to ever happen. He didn't send her a dick pic or say "WELL YOU ARE ALMOST 18 SO THAT'S OK!" I'm not going to hate on him too much.

Because eating healthy and/or caring about animals is for fags. Duh.

(Hopefully obvious sarcasm.)

Hear hear. I'm not a vegetarian, but I could never understand the "you can't save the world, so don't bother doing anything nice ever" argument.

This is the best possible response to this article. Thank you.

I cannot turn on the television, open a magazine, go online, or even drive down a road in my city without encountering meat culture. When I walk down the street, I smell cooking flesh, and I hear people say that it smells delicious. I see ads with people devouring blood-dripping flesh - and it's meant to be sexy.

Can we officially declare anti-vegetarians as more irritating then vegetarians already? I've witnessed vegetarians living up to the "smug, self-righteous" stereotype maybe once in my life. Yet hardly a week goes by where I don't witness meat-eaters making a bunch of shrill remarks about how insufferable vegetarians

Wow, this was a needlessly smug post. How about you do you and leave us vegetarians to do us?