
I don't actually hear a lot of vegetarians telling me they're healthier. But I sure do hear a lot of meat eaters telling me vegetarianism IS AN EVIL FILTHY LIE.

Googling "gay porn shed" is surprisingly fruitful.

As a grown up. It's my money and I'll play with what I God damn well want to.

I guess this has always been my issue with LoTR and/or Tolkien-based games—I never really see the point. It seems really hard to put together a game that is at all meaningful in that world, and thus all the non-canon (meaning not replaying parts of the books/movies) games come off as kind of pointless.

He might also be a Brillo fetishist.

I love you.

But have you done it while watching porn in a shed with other gays?

Saw a blind guy once with a t-shirt that said "PSA: Too Much Sex Causes Blindness."

"We resent the fact that a school wide assembly became a stage to blast the issue of homosexuality after Pope Francis said in an interview this past fall that "we can not insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptives methods."

Shh...that sound you just heard was tumblr collectively having an orgasm.

He may be trying to simulate getting some hands-on time with someone who's never touched a penis before.

Have you ever met a gay man who has never masturbated? Of course not. Her theory checks out.

Is a homosexual person born that way, or do they develop that way?

I'm not on Instagram, but I really want to hijack this hashtag.

The logical endpoint of "pics or it didn't happen," I guess.

I know! I loved the hair and the spectacles.

"I know you're upset, but before you say anything, I think you should read Baudelaire's Le Fleur du Mal."

I think it's fair as long as you agree that everyone can have their own standards - be it eye color, hair color, skin color, boob size, dick size, waist size, weight, height, pitch of voice etc.