Pretty sure sex in a limousine glorifies itself.
Pretty sure sex in a limousine glorifies itself.
The difference is that outbreaks in herpes are painful but there aren't really too many terrible consequences to living with herpes on a daily basis, it's a virus that's always present but isn't always active. Because gonorrhea is a bacteria, living with it as an infection can take a huge toll on your body plus the…
We used functional sonography of the stimulated clitoris either during manual self-stimulation of the external clitoris or during vaginal penetration with a wet tampon.
I always assumed that he carried the two cast-iron tubs and 50 gallons of water up the mountain using his rock-hard penis.
Yes! How did those bathtubs get there? Not only how were they filled and kept warm, who will be draining them? And most of all, what kind of weirdo wants to sit NEXT to the person they love in ADJACENT bathtubs, holding hands, but not willing to share a bathtub?!? It appears in enough of their commercials that…
Does it matter that they were hired? Yeah, some were actors, but I doubt all were faking it (Z Berg did seem a little contrived, but I refuse to believe that Karim Saleh's giggling and Elisabetta Tedla's "That was a good one...I'm sorry" were fake (she looked like she surprised herself!). And that awkward pull-away…
If beanie guy and striped shirt lady didn't for real fall in love I swear to fucking God I am FUCKING DONE WITH EVERYTHING.
I sure do hope so, otherwise my dreams are dead.
Don't really get why this is a big OMG IT'S ADVERTISING reveal, considering it has 'Wren' at the beginning and the names of the kissers in the credits. If these people haven't met before they're still strangers making out and it's still cute.
Well they DID have some awesome threads - plus it's a brand that included gay and straight couples in their super relatable ad. ...I'm okay with all of this! Plus props to the actors for being so good I was actually giggle-y and blushing along with them!
Who cares what its for, its a wonderful video that made me squirm and smile ear to ear. This is what humanity is all about. Connecting, being awkward, loving...feeling passion and intimacy, transcending beyond hatred, killing, overpowering and bigotry. Gay dudes definitely had a real connection. And the girl in…
Jokes on them, I wasn't paying attention to the clothes!
For those who care, I made a little chrome extension that (for now) returns Kinja back to its original format.
How could you reach it? Homegirl so tall.
Pretty much, not completely. You can do pretty much whatever you want to a farm animal short of torture. In some countries even that.
Better yet, WHY do companion animals matter more? Why do we feel perfectly comfortable doing the terrible things we do to some animals, while those same things would be shocking and immoral to animals that weve decided are our companions?
The short film Let's Play Nomad X, uploaded last year but making the rounds now, is about what people can tell you about themselves when you read between the lines. It's about the brief, often desperate moments of quiet desperation that can show up when anybody puts their voice out to be heard.
>>implying that interiority should be permitted any claim to ontological status or should otherwise be considered a valid analytical category.
Yea, but does it really matter after you're dead?