Just keep licking your phone, you'll get the hang of it eventually.
Just keep licking your phone, you'll get the hang of it eventually.
Government official?
I'm glad to see Grant getting so much press. The "victimization/empowerment" dichotomy is so harmful. People in the sex trade shouldn't HAVE to make their narrative about empowerment to get the rights they deserve.
I'm sorry but when the majority of sex workers in the world are sold into sexual slavery against their will or forced into it due to extreme financial desperation, that's where the discussion should always start.
T.Swizzle and Karlie's turtleneck photo looks like a twee lesbian engagement photo, and I mean that in the best way possible.
Watch Pacifc Rim. That is giant robots fighting done right. They actually obey the laws of physics
Mindy Kaling is going to be sorely disappointed by the ratio of cowboys to hipsters is Austin (said ratio is about 1 to 156 billion).
He could dominate me and eat me every day! #noshame
Nah, no apology necessary.
Amazing, but maybe finish lunch before you watch the antelope being eaten alive.
As a man I would involve the staff of the establishment and stick around as a witness. You're correct — if you approach the girl yourself you're likely to be perceived as a creeper. The best thing to do is keep an eye on the situation. If you can't rely on house staff and you have a female friend with you, have her…
I know! It's the only thing that makes me want to believe in heaven. Wouldn't it be cool to look down and see what happens next?
What is this from?
this is like that episode of "What would you do" where they had a girl fake being drunk, and an actor who was going to fake trying to pick her up, to see if anyone would intervene, but they couldn't carry out the experiment, because someone not involved with the show would always try to pick her up before the actor…
It's one of those "only exists in movies" wills where the deceased has perfectly anticipated the responses of his kids and responds to them a la P.S. I Love You.
The video opens with the kid lying on his side with the fucking cat biting him on the fucking ear, leading to the slap, the kid is bawling his fucking eyes out while the cat bites him on the hand, knee, and foot.
Poltergeist 2.
Oh yes. This gif. From the video where the parents were egging the cat and the kid on and laughing the entire time.