
My gf talks a lot. I like it because I'm quiet and enjoy listening and she's got a great way of telling stories. But every once and I while I need to interject or actually talk. At first I thought it was rude to interrupt (I come from a quiet and polite family) until she literally talked right over something important

Sadly (from my point of view) true.

Ha! Just the other day I was ranting about something, and my husband finally got irritated and said he felt like he was just being "talked at" and he wanted to be a part of the conversation, too. I was like, what? I mean I paused a few times, you could have just jumped in...

You and Mr Pants can hang out then. :)

My dad's side of the family is insanely loud and I am not, and I swear it's traumatized me. If I'm in a situation where everyone is yelling/talking super loud I want to crawl into a hole and cover my ears.

Heh. Mr Pants hates it! And his family is just the same! I fit in with them no problem! :)

Ours is a game of ever-increasing volume. Like the "penis" game, only with other words involved. Also, excessive gesturing helps.

Ha, my family is that way too! As are most of my friends, must to my boyfriend's dismay. I just love lively, loud conversations! Sometimes he passive aggressively raises his hand to get a point in which just makes me want to talk over him more

You learn to yell "It's MY turn to talk!" eventually.

I definitely agree.

Some people just don't understand that they're talking too much. It's funny because my roommate is the one that chatters incessantly, while I usually have to ask his girlfriend to repeat herself. It's like he literally can't go more than a couple minutes without saying every little thing that pops into his head,

The Greek side of my family is exactly like that - my dad, sister and I also talk that way (unfortunately, not my mom, who struggles to get involved in conversations with us).

Also, if someone is talking too much, tell them to shut and let someone else talk. It's remarkably effective.

For example, my entire family.

It's a rule in my family/home: the loudest person gets the floor. Ain't no shrinking violets at my dinner parties! Speak up if you want to be heard!

I still use YAHOO I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY buuhuhuhu *runs away*


which means that you DO understand the allure of precious gems

Linda Hamilton was not like that in Terminator, though. She got buff for Terminator 2. If they actually are rebooting it and starting the story from the beginning, a muscle-y Sarah wouldn't make sense. That said, some of the mentioned actresses don't seem right at all, but I suppose that is because the Linda

Look, Sarah Connor is one of my movie heroes and I will forever pay tribute to Linda Hamilton for what she did with that role but uhhh... have these people never seen the original film? Sarah wasn't exactly in "Mother of the Revolution Poster Girl" form quite yet. About the baddest thing she did was bite Kyle in an