I second Inuyasha, but I always liked Sesshoumaru a little better....the one arm thing was hot.
I play my portables almost exclusively at home. It's nice because I don't have to commandeer the TV to play games
Why exactly is gender testing a terrible thing? It's in no way inconceivable that men (with their "unfair" advantage of more naturally occuring musculature and testosterone levels) would want to compete with women in order to dominate.
What if one believes women are people too, but you have no real problem with some people being subservient, less powerful, more wealthy than, or have widely different given expectations than others even irrespective of gender.
I have no idea and I was immune to this until I started watching Supernatural. Now myself and ALL my lady friends (including the lesbians!) are way into Dean and Cas. It just hit outta no where. No clue why. But all of the yes.
Plenty of superheroes are religious. Kitty Pryde, Thing, and Iceman are all Jewish. Nightcrawler is a pretty hardcore Catholic. Pretty sure Captain America is protestant. Storm has her own religious thing, Rogue is a southern baptist. List goes on and on.
I am enjoying your conversation and thoughts. Thanks,
Kind of a half-assed outfit, if you ask me.
Haha, true dat! :3 Perhaps not completely post, but more post. Now let's see...
You're seriously deceiving yourself if you think being nude in a pool is any different than wearing a thin layer of spandex and/or mesh.
Actually, I have heard some people who hunt express it as a protest to factory farming. They don't object to eating meat, but they do object to the terrible conditions to which animals are subjected and to the negative effect on people in the areas where factory farming happens. They (some of them, obviously, not…
because stalking Bambi's mum and shooting her in the face with a high-powered rifle is just great...
Also, we're talking about white women and/or women of privilege, right? I mean, if I am worried about taking a kid to a doctor (thanks Ted Cruz!), feeding my kids (thanks GOP fuckers who reduced SNAP!) I am wringing my hands over whether or not I have it all, I am worried about survival.
Some people love being part of a lynch mob and they love have a socially-sanctioned target for their ire. The sort of people posting this woman's personal information online and threatening her with rape are exactly the same people who would have - in another place and time - joyfully participated in witch trials or…
Yeah, bur saying that they have succeeded and the allies of Feminism have failed puts the onus directly on them for being the victors, instead of on all of us for not pushing the issue enough, or making it a big enough point. I'd rather like to think that there is nothing Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity can do to stop…
I dunno, The Plague Dogs was pretty compelling.
Safe, sane and consensual. If it's all these things, and both people are over the age of consent, what's it to you?
Is "I'm all sex positive and all, but..." the new "I'm not a racist, but..."? Cause if not, you just made it happen.