
haha .. he is pretty scarey. especially in his "beast mode"

Jesus? Valhalla? Beer bottles?

so 600,000 people are idiots.. good to know.

No seriously, they said October they'd let us know.. then mid november.. What next? New yrs? Get this phone out on the market already & w/ none of the exclusive carrier bs. Verizon sucks & is effing up a perfectly fine fone w/ all it's crap apps..

*Cue people explaining their hate for the franchise*

oh man... weak. I thought it was goig to be an epic jump from the jet to the helicopters opening. not a slow motion dive w/ a houdini pop in to the next aircraft -___-.

It's not about the nudity really, its about how much they'd go into it. Sure they'd focus lost on the sex.. but on the other side they'd really go in depth w/ he zombie killing. I know its pretty gruesome as is, but on something like HBO, it'd go further.

Mann.. I never wished more for this show to be on HBO than I did this episode. HBO would've gone full on w/ glenn's action scene. Like doing it on a dead guy style.

Oh yeah? You sure about that?

i think the creepiest glitch has to be the one in COD where in Multiplayer after killing someone the body will sometimes twitch or even spaz out & shoot around for a while .. .*shakes*

is that the harp of ages i see??

umm.. here you go?

i couldn't agree more.. so sad that nintendo has it locked away in the attic never to see the light of day again.

Now playing

LOZ on the iPhone? no way.. LOZ will never & should never be played on an "i" anything device, it deserves more. Now if we're talking about classic games that should probably be played on an "i" device then i say this game reminds me of Star Tropics. It's a Nintendo title, but its never been spoken of really & I

then i will disregard that story line.. thanks :)

i wish i read the comics. i really should still.. but the fact that now i know this is a pointless story line & quit worrying about it. shell prob turn up in like the next farm over being okay the whole time..

So for anyone who reads the comics.. i need to know, is sophia alive or has she been eaten? I don't care for surprises, so you won't ruin anything for me.

only 50 people were allowed to win? who are the other people that are going & how did they get tickets? Or is this just a small party?

OOhhh you're right.. it looked like it cept the color is off.. by this i mean the squared off head & etc