
most popular smartphone? debatable. Most known, sure. There are many phones out there that out perform the iphone, & the only thing the iphone has the no other phone has yet to touch is it's retina display. Other than that, it's actually that not that special besides being branded an Apple product.

I duno about payroll, but they do love sucking up anything thats got apples name on it. Even when the iphone was rereleased on verizon they spent a whole week extensively covering it & discussing its new antenna & what the differences are.. THERE WERE NONE! :) Any ounce of news on the iphone (old or new) is considered

Now playing

& just about all of us are making this exact same face right about now..

noooo way my friend. when you see how they made capt. america anything but campy you'll agree the avengers will be amazingness.

yeahhh this isn't the full teaser nor is it new

charging anywhere from 2ooo-4500$ a pop for kids depending on where theyre from (what is this, based by breed?) is a little much. & then they charge other people who sell their own kids says thats human trafficking. Talk about one sided.

BS. Adoption is just like selling kids. People pay thousands & thousands of dollar just to "adopt" a kid. WHy not trade them? You get a baby, the other person gets w/e they ask for. In the end people get what they really want.

psshh.. 1.5x's. thats nothing. Obviously whenever they do it they get better & stronger at it. It's like an animal work out, no pain no gain!


L4d cats edition? not as scary. -___-

wtf is the deal w/ cats? whys the world & especially the internet love cats so damn much? Lolcats, nyan cat, etc..


thats the degree from your leg to the tip of the erect penis.

yeahhh.. that image is highly flawed. Problem officer? Why yes, arnold. You're out of ammunition.

oh and..

Just going to leave this here..

Really hoping he looks something related to this..

lol. old & unattractive? Elaborate. i apologize in advance though ..

i wish there were a way to message someone an MMS anonymously. That would make my day.