I’ve always really liked the Z3 and the Z4. I think I like this Z4 (which is kinda damning in its own right... I shouldn’t have to “think”)... but there’s nothing here that would turn me from an F-Type first and a Boxster second.
I’ve always really liked the Z3 and the Z4. I think I like this Z4 (which is kinda damning in its own right... I shouldn’t have to “think”)... but there’s nothing here that would turn me from an F-Type first and a Boxster second.
I’m shocked the AWD struggles as much as it does. I’m also shocked that guy isn’t positioned on the other side if he’s going to be near a car that could potentially lose control. I mean what better place to be than between a wall and a car...right?
I’m amazed that I just read a comment praising the build quality of the Crosstrek. If I kept a bucket list, I would’ve just crossed something off it
I try real hard not to judge other people’s taste in cars and try to be part of an inclusive motorhead community but the whole stance thing...
You’ve done your civic duty with your acurate statement.
You and I are in accord...I look forward to reading your future posts with renewed vigor.
Apparently it can travel through time as well. See the shuttle landing behind it?
They told him to land on Runway 28A, but the pilot thought they told him to land on “28, eh.”
This is terrible. I am an instructor with pca and bmwcca. These places have always made me nervous. They seem to run minimal if any corner crew, don’t think they have an ambulance on site, and the entire object is to get people who have little to no experience going as fast as possible in the shortest amount of time…
One of these days I’m gonna buy that SVT Contour, and you bastards won’t be able to stop me! Just you wait!
anyone who thinks this car is ugly needs to take a good hard look at the market right now. mazda is killing the design game right now.
Heaven is a place where all the Vehicrosses can roam free, forever.
It was August 1980, in Jesolo, Italy. Ayrton Senna, aged 20, lay in a deck chair by the hotel pool—steely-eyed,…
Love the looks of the car but I would have to be up a tax bracket or two to justify buying such a niche vehicle. For the dollar there are better vehicles with more room, but DAMN that is a fine looking car.
Dumbest. Special. Edition. EVER
I guess it would be green right? Green with envy?
Just drill the rotor fixing bolt out next time. WAY easier.
I was in Atlanta on business and took MARTA instead of renting a car. I had the worst head cold of my life and could not smell anything. I was coughing up a storm. About 5 minutes in to my ride I noticed people were staring at me strange, almost with fear. This went on for about two stops until a nice Asian lady came…
“Sadly, the Shuttle Program would turn out to be more of a very expensive anchor that would keep mankind stuck in orbit for decades than a economical space plane that could facilitate exploration beyond earth’s orbit.” Incorrect. You need to research the unclassified Shuttle program accomplishments. No need to even up…