Report: Timberwolves unpopular with fans, according to telephone poll
Report: Timberwolves unpopular with fans, according to telephone poll
"Damn it, blimp."
Reminds me of the time these same media outlets kept referring to Steve Jobs as terminal.
A school who's most famous football alum is a wife beater vs. a school who's football program is best known for hiding a pedophile. Welcome to big-time college football!!!
Also, it's good with the press.
This guy is a certifiable asshole. Who the hell names himself after the Ferguson PD?
Police were called to the store at 11:30 a.m. and say they found Hall in possession of stolen items from Best Buy and Walmart. They also found a "personal use quantity of cocaine."
This new mascot is just as disgusting as the old one. I don't see how any team could take pride in associating itself with one of those guys who hides behind his professional credentials.
Stanford Student: Oh man, we're so awesome!
Hey Kirk, you really shouldn't be alienating all us Jews and Muslims and Hindus and other non-Christmas-celebrators out there with this "war on Christmas" stuff. Know why? Because we're the ones who have your back and are constantly reminding people that Christmas is about Christ. Casual Christian person: "Why don't…
"Who knows what "Happy Holidays" even means??"
What a waste. They could have hired 1,200 additional professors with that kind of cash.
If Rutgers was going to pay for someone to stand, it should really be Eric LeGrand.
Oh, geez. If the LAPD doesn't have a record of anything happening, they must have beaten the shit out of poor Shaw.
You know what they say, "When there's grass on the field, that's Wimbledon. The U.S. Open is played on hard courts, you stupid fucking asshole."
Terrible. I can't believe that poor kid drowned after all.
So he's remaining aloof-a?
Bauer's been associated with the Chargers for decades, so we wouldn't expect any kind of punishment to come of this.
If you're a guy who gets hurt easily, you need to find another activity where there's not contact involved."