Crafty of MLB to try to stymie the momentum soccer has currently by attaching an Astros game to it.
+26% unemployment.
A late entry to the Photoshop contest.
I see it wasn't a cat burglar.
Where's ball? D'oh!
Sure beats the "Redskins" cheerleaders calendar, which features Dan Snyder, Rick Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, George Will, and part of the Virginia state legislature in feathered thongs.
England Didn't Change After All
Now we'll get months of the sports media questioning whether he should have shut down.
"Damn Reds"
Mensa isn't an acronym.
Columbus-area dealers may "sell" you the car, but you have to go to Cincinnati to get gas.
Puck marry skill.
They've said for months it would take a miracle for Brazil to pull this off, and now everybody is all "we should investigate." Geez.
The guitar sounds like "Undone," but the keyboard has more of a "Falling for You" feel.
So apparently an Echo does quack.