While this is still my favorite Tahoe generation I could never let myself spend five figures on a former law enforcement vehicle. You think rental cars get beat to hell?
While this is still my favorite Tahoe generation I could never let myself spend five figures on a former law enforcement vehicle. You think rental cars get beat to hell?
Congrats for writing an EV article while only mentioning the Tesla Roadster and Tesla Supercharging network. It proves there are more EV options than Tesla’s Model 3, Y, S, and X even though combined they are the majority of EVs.
I truly believe as Batteries improve, the need for large range vehicles goes down. Imagine…
Ding, ding, ding, you nailed it with the “bullshit that surrounds” them, it’s a huge turnoff for me. And while this is not exclusive to EVs, it sure seems endemic to them. I’m 47. Within the next few years I’ll have an ND Miata (or NE) which I hope to Ride or Die into my golden years while technology moves on…
I agree with the sentiment of ditching ICE for BEV. Designs are killer, the technology is on full display, and overall they’re quicker and more efficient than any ICE could ever hope to be. After so many years, we’re actually witnessing the auto industry flex their creative skills, in all aspects. Both Design and…
EVs have proven themselves to be the future of point A to point B cars. However, ICE cars, a proper one, is still the ultimate point A to point A car. No EV, not even the Taycan can come remotely close, nor ever.
EVs are cool and neat and great, etc, etc, etc, but constantly-connected consumer electronics put unprecedented control over your property in the hands of the company that sold it to you (or, as they’ll likely claim, licenced to you).
A/C doesn’t use up refrigerant. If it needs a recharge, it’s leaking from somewhere. There is no such thing as “just needs a recharge”.
The lack of infrastructure plus the effect of cold weather on EVs are major detractors. Motor Trend just posted something about their experiences which confirms a lot of what my friends with EV have said:
I live in the South. Non-Working A/C is an instant ND for me.
The day I get out of prison, my OWN brother picks me up in a POLICE truck.
It’s got cop motor, cop shocks and cop brakes. Get some sunglasses and head to Chicago. Given the still ridiulous prices of viking long trucks I’m NPing this one.
I’m not sure about there but here (California) there was a push to investigate how cities were spending and collecting money in the wake of the Bell city scandal. One of the big ones that cities found was that traffic cams are not run by the city nor law enforcement so they were paying a 3rd party service to issue the…
Traffic cameras – be they speed cameras or red light cameras – suck if you’re in the habit of speeding or not coming to a full stop when you make a right on red, but they’re also a pretty good deterrent for people who would otherwise be doing those things. Of course, there are drivers who say cameras be damned and…
i hope all those people who have heavily tinted license plate covers get rodknock due to oil starvation
It's the New York Post, though. The quotes apply.
Based on the original NY Times article, many (most) of the cars he finds with intentionally altered license plates are cop cars/city vehicles. So, there’s a reason “the system” is not addressing this.
No need to put journalist in quotes. He worked for those publications, so that’s what he is.
It’s actually the “no snitching” that’s causing this. Many municipal employees, firefighters, cops etc. doing this, so by non-enforcement of this they are basically looking out for their own.
This is the same guy who claimed that shooting an ar15 gave him PTSD and bruised his shoulder. I dont really have much to say about the license plate thing but from everything I have ever seen about this guy he seems like an insufferable twat waffl
He maybe shouldn’t be identifying himself in the process of identifying these ghosts cars, but otherwise I think he’s bring needed attention to something the city has let slide.