
The shots are coming from inside the car!

Have you seen the price (and lack of availability) of ammo lately?

Miata is always the answer...

You mean “build reefs” with them.

Fight fire with fire, baby!

Raytheon should get into the bridge/road building business.

They’re also designed to last for 20 years, so even repeat buyers aren’t coming around too often.

Syscrush, please tell me how I can subscribe to your newsletter.

That would be how I ended up stranded in the wilderness in the first place.

The motorists’ insurers will sue all of the above and see how it shakes out.

To be true to the original, all anniversary editions should be white with a red interior.

I’m detecting a tone in this article...

Yes, that’s what the suspension upgrades are for.

Is it heavily enforced? The law won’t change if it’s generating ticket revenue.

I’m skeptical that they’ll stop selling the Challenger in two years since it continues to print money for them. They may begin to offer an electric version, but unless charging infrastructure improves significantly in that timeframe, thousands of potential buyers won’t view it as a reasonable replacement.

That’s what she said.

I think they had more chips, etc. on hand than anyone else, but that eventually runs out. And I’m sure most resources were allocated to higher volume vehicles than the Land Cruiser.

Who cares? They’ll be electric anyway.