
Mississippi knows what they did.

So you’re saying the solution is to put the beer in the trucks?

Do you work on Bourbon St?

when you’re a stranger

You laugh, but we haven’t seen the concept yet.

I think they prevented it from becoming a 3 tier system for new hires.

Good for them for collectively bargaining a better contract from the company. But I’m even more impressed that one of the sticking points was the employees insisted that new/future employees would get the same deal instead of a lower tier.

That’s why you always spring for the insurance!

They got nailed by low demand last year so they’re trying to make it back.

I didn’t think yall had winter out there.

I agree, but it’s not strictly a right wing issue. Apparently there’s not much of a market for reasonable opinions on radio or TV broadcasts anymore.

So the name of the local TV station is K-GUN? Neato.

What are the chances these 7 folks are reimbursed for the new tires? Are there examples of this happening in the past?

Maybe he should tell them to invest whatever they’re paying consultants into their current workforce.

David would be more suspicious if there were no red flags.

It’s available with a manual transmission, so I can overlook the small things.

Yes. I would also consider something like this:

Why did it take 3 months for the prosecutor to accept his bank records as proof of payment? That sounds like something they could produce within a day.

I only drink it under certain conditions, but Vitaminwater Zero Sugar XXX is a proven hangover cure for me. I used to drink the regular XXX for these purposes, but I’ve found the Zero is easier to drink even though/because it isn’t quite as sweet. It almost tastes like you took a few sips of the regular stuff and