
Also, when Evel F-ing Knievel of all people tells you something is too dangerous to attempt, maybe you should rethink things...

They don’t have to be your organs...

I had an 88 IROC hardtop and it was a great handling car. The TPI engines catch flack for running out of breath so soon, but all that low-midrange torque makes for a great street setup (I’ll never understand why GM didn’t offer a version in trucks). When I see modded 3rd gens like that DSE masterpiece, I can’t help

Hey! Leave 70s Cadillacs out of this!

What’s the worst that could happen?

I guess I’ve been lucky. I always see a lot of comments in HD articles on this site about bad dealer attitudes, but I’ve bought used Harleys from 4 different dealerships and never spent more than $12K and all were pleasant experiences.

I’ve financed several used Harleys through their credit arm. They happened to be low-mile late models, so maybe the terms have changed.

To be fair, they’re going out on a limb with the Pan America ADV bike and the Livewire electric.

I’m not victim blaming because I’ve been in a similar situation, but it is possible if he was checking his mirrors more closely he may have been able to dart out of the way as he noticed the car approaching too quickly.

I’m not sure what’s new about this. I’ve bought several used Harleys from HD dealers over the years, and each one was available with a 12 month warranty and HD financing.

Yes, riding motorcycles has made me so much more aware of my surroundings as a driver.

The surveys are also dumb because they expect everything to be 10/10.

I think the difference is with a house you typically have a realtor helping you with the negotiating process while you’re on your own with a car purchase.

What the Janus appears to offer over others is unique styling. There are many flavors of retro but I don’t know if anyone else is doing this era. Also, being built by hand by a boutique USA company will appeal to some people, and the price isn’t that much more considering the small production numbers.

Eleanor was all about hot, nasty, badass speed.

Did Ford offer diesel Escorts?

Naysayers of modern diesel engines, look no further than this truck for proof that you can still hit great miles without an old timey diesel engine.

Every car or truck I’ve owned over the last 25+ years has been a GM product with a V8. Sad to say, there’s nothing on the lot today I’d spend real money on. The trucks are too big and ugly, and while the Camaro isn’t bad I think the Mustang looks better.

Looks like the French flag to me...

And they won’t with laws like this on the book!