
I’m picturing this guy all grown up.

This is the most logical response I’ve read here today.

They should partner with Porsche on this. They already worked together on the Revolution engine...

I don’t think supersport/racing bikes is a good use of resources (especially starting from square one) based on sales of that segment. Adventure bikes, Scramblers, and “standards” seem to be the big sellers now (in addition to tourers which HD already dominates). They have an ADV bike coming this year, as well as a

Most dealerships I’ve been in are halfway there already.

If only Sergio were still alive...

TLDR: Buy Husqvarna or merge with KTM.

I read an article this morning on Motorcyclist that said Harley dominates the touring market, averaging 96K bikes/year over the last decade. What segment approaches that, and what other brand competes with that? Sure, they’re getting the biggest slice of a shrinking pie each year, but I’m not sure

Not to mention the differences in level of fit/finish/materials.

I’m late Gen X and I rode Honda sportbikes in my 20s, and besides a lot of close calls at silly speeds, the area I live has no curvy roads to take advantage of race rep handling. So I switched to Honda cruisers for a more comfy ride and to be able to wring the throttle without getting in much trouble. The Hondas were

Also, since when has adding more tech to cars made them cheaper to fix?

Wow, that’s really saying something!

Well yeah, at these kinds of stores you have to buy in bulk to see any real savings.

I’m guessing you’re firmly in the “not a sandwich” crowd.

The jet emblem is a nice touch.

So, it’s cancelled...?

If you’re gonna collect cars as art, just commission a body with no engine/trans, etc.

Another commenter said one side is for battery access and the other the air filter.

I do like the proportions a little better here.

So what, it’s not like Mitsubishi makes cars any- wait, really?