
How can it possibly be respected if one side of the argument is to take away the choice from the opposing side? Anti-Abortion must be opposed. 

The only weird thing about it for me was how little there was to do in the city :P I wish more games like it came out... Like Chicago Noire, New York Noire... I can dream :D

Attacking King’s Landing was the best move it seems, regardless of how it is won. They could have decimated house Lannister in 1 move. The Tarly’s would have came right away and they could have had Dorne cover the rearguard before hitting Casterly Rock. Now it seems that the Dorne (If not their forces then their head

What they need is to go see the army of the dead. He needs to literally describe what happened to him in great brooding jon-like detail.

I actually didn’t hear about this NPR situation, but something similar did happen to me... When Trump was elected, I was chatting with a buddy in Louisiana (I am Canadian) who supported him. All I did was link the entire “The New Colossus” sonnet on the Statue of Liberty the day of the election over Skype. I was

When it first came out it immediately became one of my fav FF’s alongside 6 and 4.

My Dad ended up getting me a Master System.... While I was still in the womb. Let’s see if I can remember what I have still... Sonic The Hedgehog, Wonder Boy, Wonder Boy In Monster Land, Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap, Space Harrier, After Burner, Altered Beast, Rampage, Columns, Alien Syndrome, Monopoly, Aztec

I think that is just as damaging as Trump is to the world. If you don’t want to listen that’s fine, but if they want to talk about it, that’s also fine. Sorry if you are tired of hearing something in your safe place. Even you ranting right now is the same thing you are ranting against, the exact same.

Just like alternative facts! When shit like that happens, you call it out 100% of the time. Trump is fucking shit up everywhere, it’s not defensive, it’s stupid.

Vote whatever you want in the Primary, in the General, you vote by not dooming the world/country because “emails, Benghazi”.

The old saying goes, regulations were paved by the blood of others. You don’t have building regulations until a building collapses. You don’t have water protection until it gets contaminated. ETC ETC. The majority of people who voted for Trump voted with their heart and not their brain, they failed the entire nation.

Chrono Cross has for a long time been one of my all time favorite RPGs. It really was a bad sequel yet amazing game haha, so many hidden things too!

They were facebook games, they were pretty bad. People want custom homes. Here’s a REALLY easy concept they will never understand. Make a purchasable property for solo players in every racial capital, let it be phased, have it close to city amenities (that way your housing won’t feel bleak and lonely, you will be in a

Panda zones had the absolute best narrative out of any of their stories. And then their dailies actually gave you quests at certain intervals (friendly, honored, revered, exalted, etc). Like becoming a paragon for the Klaxxi, or helping the alliance at Lion’s Landing. I really loved that expansion. I can’t even

So far Draenor and Cataclysm are expansion I cannot get myself through without smashing my head on the wall. I hated cataclysm (the idea is great.. world is changed etc). It was a buggy mess, the story had no cohesion (even though it was about Deathwing, every one of those higher level zones felt separated from

I loved that Dr. Manhattan was used as the reason to unite humanity instead of some weird alien crap. When I read that in high school, it was the dumbest looking and sounding thing I ever heard. To me the movie improved a very 80's style comic that did not age well beyond the characters. Still love the graphic novel,

Marvel ain’t perfect but they can make great material with their characters carrying most of the weight of the film. They have had their weak points though (Balancing the Thor films, Iron Man 2-3, Incredible Hulk, etc), but they still all come together because they pace themselves and aren’t afraid to release

There was no build-up to this movie, when we already had Man of Steel (the only build-up being the destruction Superman caused). The absolute moment Superman said “Bruce, listen, Lex played us both.” ruined Batman’s character. He would immediately listen to him especially when he called him by his real damned name and

I think you are right, which is why I appreciate the DS/3DS :) Pretty much the majority of N64 classics got a re-do. Def not the same though.

The solution is to have a classy event where everyone can dance, not where you feel like you need to slip the dancers a $20.