
My theory is that Victoria’s Secret went bankrupt ages ago, but Leo keeps them afloat as a front for his matchmaking services (provided only to him).

I love this quote.

I’m okay with anything that will bring back io9 TV recaps.

Thank you for the best, most perfectly worded comment about this situation.

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

step away from the triggers man.

thats cool for you but a lot of us have really fucked up our life with weed. this “it’s harmless because i only eat when i smoke it hahahah” narrative sucks

I think a common misconception among people who don’t have kids or don’t wanna have kids is that when you become a parent you are throwing your life away. Please remember that all parents lived a single lifestyle at some point in their life. Those that planned their pregnancies were ok with giving up that lifestyle. I

Honestly, it’s more likely to be you. I don’t have kids, but I can’t expect my friends with kids to have a life that allows them to find a sitter just to casually hang out with me. Sitters can be hard to coordinate and expensive. So, understand that your friends’ parties are going to suck now, so go, be social, then

Yeah, but that’s true of young adults, the middle aged, and the elderly too.

I hear ya. I think I used to drink more than what you described, though. When I drank, I would pat myself on the back when I “took a night off”. If I went 3-4 nights, I had a “low-key” week of adulting. I rose in my professional career, started a family, the whole nine yards, and was purely a “social” drinker. All

i’m seriously concerned by America’s drug thing, booze, now pot. It’s possible to be sober and just deal with your shit.

I don’t drink, because addiction runs in my family, so growing up my extended family was basically one continuous DARE class. I’m not the most outgoing person, and I don’t like being around drunk people, which means I opt out of a LOT of social activities.

So many events in your 20s and 30s center around alcohol. Hell,

“I think it is important to defend the right of every person to live (or not live, for that matter) their life as they see fit.”

On behalf of everyone: See WHAT above?

I’d invite you to my Facebook feed, where super-moms chat AT LENGTH about the wraps they have for baby-wearing. They also discuss the horrifying monsters who put their babies in cribs, which is exactly what Hitler would have done if Hitler were a terrible mother and not a dictator.

I made a half-hearted attempt to get the first one to sleep in a bassinet, but I’m a hardcore weenie when it comes to crying. With the second one it was like, fuck it and welcome to the family bed kid.

He gets to blissfully sleep through nightmares and midnight pukes, so I don’t think he minds too much.

I co-slept with my eldest until he was three and now co-sleep with my two year old (big brother sometimes joins us in the middle of the night). My husband sleeps in the guest room. I have received endless flak from family and friends about this, but guess what? I get to sleep through the night, every night. My kids

It’s the 17% problem. If a crowd has 17% women, men believe the gender division is 50/50.