
“Although it’s a wrong a bet a lot of parents can secretly relate to even though they avoided the horrible consequences.”

I agree with your analysis that Wild Dog Mom was far more at fault than Gorilla Mom. My linking the article meant more “look how bad things can go when kids get in wild animal exhibits.” However, I still think if you’re going to build a facility that houses predators and other wild animals and then open it to the

Does it really matter? Credible or not I think it helps to publicize this sort of stuff — both to expose this ugliness and to push sites like Twitter to improve their harassment policies.

I just read an article that had a lot of eye-witness accounts. I don’t want to share it though, because I feel like it pretty irresponsibly shares the lady’s workplace and other info she has since deleted from Facebook.

Could not agree more. No one would be bitching if they’d shot a whole family of gorillas to save a 20 yr old blonde sorority girl (of the type that always seem to go missing in the summers). Only certain people are allowed to fill the role of “helpless victim.” Anyone who doesn’t look the part, fuck ‘em.

“I’m sure I will get tons of backlash (per usual) I mean let’s be honest, I wear the wrong sweatpants and the entire world has something to say about it, but once again, another senseless horrendous animal being killed over people not using their brains. If you watch the footage, you see this gorgeous animal holding

So what? Who cares if a random woman isn’t appropriately contrite over a situation contriteness wouldn’t change.

On the upside, your kid is probably now immune to every disease known to man. Or so I told myself when mine licked the pole in a NYC subway car.

She didn’t claim she wasn’t responsible. She just said God kept him safe until the Zoo authorities could act. Basically, she’s just saying it’s a miracle the kid wasn’t hurt in the first ten minutes. Nothing about how he got there and whose fault it is.

“But her apology isn’t going to do anything for your life.”

This is the paradox of modern parenting. No matter what you do, you’re doing it wrong. I feel like social media isn’t helping in that people are constantly posting about it. Before maybe they just judged and talked shit behind parents backs. Now it’s constantly being debated across the internet. And it is almost

I’m sure they’re already angrily typing away at how if it was their child, they would NEVER EVER take their eyes off him for even one second, so my point is moot. But also, fuck those guys even more.

Everybody’s a perfect parent on the internet.

Oh, men are victims more often (because they’re perpetrators more often), so we should forget the rampant and senseless violence against women because we have vaginas? Fuck. You.

Jesus, dude. Seriously?

The fear of being laughed at pales in every respect to the fear of being murdered.

and for good measure:

This must be a new definition of “comedy” of which I’d been previously unaware.

Bunnies are less likely to plot to murder you in your sleep. Cats always seem like they’re one baby step away from that, no matter how adorable they are.

I refuse to Google this nonsense.