
What a weird game this was. I dug the art style (and it definitely changed from level to level) but the story was utterly impenetrable and basically at no point after the first level did I have any clue what the hell was going on. Also, battles took FOREVER and were super repetitive. I admit I'm a sucker for a pretty

Crap. I really thought this was a hoax when it first appeared on the internet.

I luuuuurved FFIX as a kid. Loved it to death. It was the first JRPG I ever finished. I wept during the end cutscene.


I don't think so, unless you count the choice to wear a one-piece as an attempt to cover your belly.

Total number of hits for "beach body": 5,880,000.

Yes, as Tyrannosaurs says, they run quite small. However, they have a wide range of sizes, so if you go a couple sizes up you shouldn't have any trouble.

My solution? Don't wear a bikini.

Holy shit, 70% of Ethiopian brides are kidnapped?

Crap, you beat me to it.

So what's the carrot in this situation? Do the families get more food stamps for getting good grades? Cause otherwise it's just a straight up punishment.

"I understand how retrogressive it is..."

PA Report did an amazing article about the current state of Playstation Home. The result: a Dada-esque mess of delightful craziness.

Yep, ladies would occasionally like the choice to have a player character that represents them too.


This is my kitten Maya, 'helping' my boyfriend play a tablet game.

I have Facebook friends that post statuses that just say "hey" or "hi". It always struck me as the laziest thing ever. If you have nothing to say, don't post. Find someone else's post and comment on that, at the very least. It's like leaning back in your chair with your arms crossed and demanding, "ENTERTAIN ME".

I think that might be reaching a little bit.

That's not where nipples go.

I loved 9 as a kid. Tried to go back and play it again last year and I just could NOT stand the endless random battles. Seriously, every six seconds. I might have been spoiled by modern RPGs, but relentless random battles is one thing that I'm glad to leave behind.