A troll, has to be a troll. She hits too many of the major smug talking points (breast feeding, staying at home, JUST ADOPT, if you're infertile it's just God's plan). This can't be the work of a person who actually believes all these things.
A troll, has to be a troll. She hits too many of the major smug talking points (breast feeding, staying at home, JUST ADOPT, if you're infertile it's just God's plan). This can't be the work of a person who actually believes all these things.
I also have it in wine.
US News and World Report to the rescue!
No, you can't 'just as easily' kill someone with your bare hands. It's much, much harder.
So what is he claiming was the game plan, here? Fake a medical condition, check into the hospital, wait for a hyuck-hyuck morning show to be patched through to your nurse, cause a woman's suicide and then BAM, mission accomplished, champagne all around? What part of this "doesn't ring true" on Kate Middleton's part?
I'm surprised that only a few people have mentioned the fact that the guy on the end is wearing a terrifying full body suit of shiny red spandex. Is the guy so ashamed of his job as a Christmas costume model that he refuses to show his face, or a single square inch of his skin?
That's incredibly nifty. Thanks for the link!
I go through my day-to-day assumption that I have a fairly deep voice, and I'm always surprised and disquieted when I hear myself recorded and realize it's actually several degrees higher than the one I hear in my head.
That picture is amazing. The Rainbow Brite outfit, the determined expression, the tolerant sign...just perfect.
Ys, I love it. It's a hundred times better than my old Android (Xperia Play) in almost every way. I like the way tiles look and work, the whole interface is just way more attractive than the little widgets in Android. It's not perfect - there's no turn by turn (although Bing maps do give directions and are very…
Sorry for being slow, but that's a gorgeous photo and I want to learn to do it too. Did you place a drop of wa on the penny or on the lens or your camera somehow? If the latter, how do you keep it from dripping off due to gravity?
A drop of water? Like, on the lens?
Why? You can still get gmail on the built-in mail client, skydrive is way superior to google drive, and most of these apps are available from third party developers anyway. I love my HTC 8x and the lack of these first party google programs has not impacted my life in the slightest.
Yes, there is a native built-in mail client that will allow you to sign in using your gmail account. I have this exact phone, and honestly the lack of a gmail app doesn't affect me in the slightest.
"We women are the ones who are the backbone to almost anything that is accomplished these days, whether it be at church or home."
My favorite part was when he tilted his head back and shot the food pellet out of his mouth like a cannon.
I feel like American developers often use a British accent as shorthand to show that a character is sophisticated, especially female characters. It's a pretty lazy trope, actually, and it can be really funny when every other character has an American accent and they just never address it. Does that count for the tax…
Microsoft really needs to lean on Unity to make their Windows 8 compiler available already. That will increase the number of games available on the Surface by a big margin in one go.
Full disclosure: I'm a Microsoft employee so I got my Windows phone for free, but I love it. It's so much faster and easier to use than my crappy old Android. Granted, it was all fragmented and not running the latest version of the OS, but it was still such a relief to switch.
Why does no one ever mention that this game was written by Rhianna Pratchett? I feel like that's a big deal.