
I never got my period. I knew I was going to be a late bloomer, since all the women in my family were. I expected 16, maybe 17. At 19, and in despair, I finally went to a reproductive specialist and was told that, due to some mysterious imbalance in my system, I would probably never get them. This also came with a

I was pleasantly surprised in Mississippi when they swatted down that ridiculous bill. Of course, that didn't stop the Personhood people, who slithered on over to some other vulnerable states, but it showed that the people of Mississippi were more reasonable than people give them credit for.

I get my mom a massage every year for Mother's Day. It's super easy to do last-minute. She loves it and has forbidden me from getting her anything else, ever.

Makes sense, but why such a small number of fertile women? I feel like in a tribe of 50, there ought to be at least 15 fertile women....unless you are talking monogamous cultures, in which many women will already be attached?

Pretty sure the Darwin comment is referring to the teens in the video, not to you. Unless this guy is REALLY a dick.

There are precedents of books, movies, and television shows receiving changed endings after unfavorable focus testing/fan response. See: Sherlock Holmes, Evangelion, Clerks.

I know, it sucks. Here's the Wiki entry on legal issues with fan fiction. Scroll down to the part where it talks about copyright holders' attitude toward fan fiction.

This is absolutely not true. Action movies like this do gangbusters in foreign markets, and producers count very much on those markets to recoup costs. Check out this list of movies that everyone thought were flops, but which actually did really well:

Unfortunately, this kind of two-way storytelling has legal implications. It's the same reason why content creators are legally barred from reading fan fiction about their creations: if they read a fan work, get inspired, and implement it into the actual piece of work, they open themselves up to lawsuits from

You're Tamora Pierce?! I loved your Circle of Magic series as a kid. And still.

I'm curious: you stopped buying all manufactured goods? Does this mean that you grow cotton, spin thread, weave cloth, and sew all your own clothes? It's nearly impossible to live a modern life without using manufactured goods, unless you go completely off the grid and start living on a commune somewhere. I'm not

It would be really hard for a single person to do all the tasks needed of a game designer on a AAA game. That is a lot of stuff you just mentioned. There are also designers that have different specialties and ranks: generally the lower-ranked designers will do nitty-gritty stuff like level design, while the more

Actually, that would be the Creative Director. A large commercial game team can have dozens of designers, since they're needed for everything from the initial concept to playtesting to tweaking numbers right before release.

All of these kids could draw better than I could at that age. Not that I can draw now, either...

I wonder if this means that Zynga will have to drop the whole "steal a game and slap on some new art" strategy that has worked so well for them in the past? They might actually have to put some thought into designing their own original, innovative games. They might HAVE to, to survive.

I hope your brother was really embarrassed.

I'm really glad that you took the initiative to call the police and help this man. Ever since learning about the bystander effect and the Kitty Genovese case in undergrad, I've promised myself that if I were ever in this situation I would damn well do something about it, even if I think it's likely that someone else

Geez, that announcer sounds like he's doing a wacky parody of awful kids show announcers.

Anyone else think they look exactly like the daughters from Modern Family?

Why is it such a big flipping deal to want a fast forward button on some games? I think that's a great idea. There are plenty of games that have come out in recent years that I've wanted to play, but I haven't played them because they blatantly do not value the player's time and force you to complete all sorts of