
Bullshit. If I am going to write a review that disparages an entire subset of people, the very, very least I can do is take five seconds to look them up on Wikipedia. Movie critics are not above regular people, the idea that they LITERALLY don't have time to research the group they are specifically disparaging is

This makes me so inexplicably happy.

"Humans first gained control of fire somewhere between 200,000 and 1.7 million years ago."

These are all fabulous ideas that I would be very happy with. Really, I'm just hoping that it's set in ANY time other than WWII era, which was an idea that the developers were bandying about a few years ago.

Yeah, no. These women are all gorgeous. It's probably because only attractive people would opt to have their picture taken for this study.

4000? I have a feeling that humans have been playing with toys a lot longer than that. 4000 years ago, the Sumerian civilization had already been around for like 2000 years, and that's just one example.

@RagingBull: Honestly, it's a different and, in my opinion, worse punishment than getting spanked. With a spanking, yeah, it sucks, but the pain is over quickly and you can move on with your life. With this, the traumatic memories and humiliation on a public stage will linger on for the rest of their adult lives. Not

@AdmiralRupert: Okay, didn't mean to sound so accusatory. It just makes me angry that this is indeed the accepted viewpoint of mainstream society. You'd never hear someone claiming that "movie watchers are morons". Our industry and our culture need to grow up, are trying to grow up, and stupid, obnoxious people like

Here's an idea: relax your outrageous immigration policies. There are third-generation immigrants living there that still aren't citizens, and none of their children or grandchildren probably will be either until Japan changes that blatantly xenophobic policy.

@newbrite: Ah, you're probably right. I should have known better than to interpret that literally.

I'm a bit confused- how can the family claim to own a copyright on a photo that the girl herself took? Unless she was a professional photographer or something...

@AdmiralRupert: These hateful children =/= gamers. You are posting on a site meant for gamers, or didn't you know that?

I try to have a sense of humor about this sort of thing, really. I appreciate that being able to laugh at this sort of ridiculous behavior is a good and healthy attitude. But really, right now, looking at some of these messages makes my blood boil.

Worst. Date. Ever.

@MacBandit: You can get it on Ebay for $15-$25.

@sirnicolai: This paragraph is pretty much exactly what I was going to post. And yes, getting all those child actors will be a nightmare unless they go full CGI. Even then, I would prefer for it to be stylized CGI, rather than that vaguely creepy 'realistic' CGI they used for Beowulf and the Christmas Carol movie.

The song is cute, but the video is totally lame. Did they really only have that one cramped hallway to shoot in?

If Sony doesn't make an optional, snap-on UMD drive, someone else will beat them to it. And make SO MUCH MONEY.

This is really great. I wonder, do video games have an organization like this? They are going through similar first amendment issues right now.

Plants? Hello? Of course the sand is going to erode away if there is no rooted plant life. It's probably not that the designer didn't think of that, but that Dubai's massive economic collapse a few years ago made it impossible to carry out.