
@Jimmy1: Do you somehow think that just because we read gizmodo, none of us are affected by unemployment or the economic downturn? Grow up.

I can't stop staring at the Tumblbeasts image. I love, love, love it.

@Mark 2000: This is one of the most depressing buildings I've ever seen. It looks like a farm storage facility. Seriously, what's with the silo?

$4 an hour? That's like half of what a downtown garage would cost in LA. I'd park my crappy car there any day.

"None but a wizard dare raise the curtain and disclose the secrets of the future; and what wizard can do it with so sure a hand as Mr. Thomas Alva Edison, who has wrested so many secrets from jealous Nature? He alone of all men who live has the necessary courage and gift of foresight, and he has not shrunk from the

At first I thought that this guy was in trouble for photoshopping child porn to plant on someone in order to get a guilty verdict. That would have been friggin awful. The reality is not so bad.

@The5thElephant: That's a very rational point of view, and 100% correct. However, humans are not rational. If I get into an accident and die, I will be dead. To my friends and family, I might still be alive, but this person, this me, will be gone. I mean, it's better than nothing, kind of like having a child that is

@MetaKz: It looks to me like it's just a rerelease of the Devil Survivor game that came out for the DS a few months ago, although I could be wrong about that.

I've looked around for this with no luck. Can someone tell me what games are going to be available the day of launch? Or am I going to be stuck playing around with the photo manipulator for a couple of weeks?

@Xagest: I feel like all proposals are like that. The very fact that it's kept a secret, and often involves friends and family, just feels to me like preparing a trap.

@Brodka: regrettably: While games with female main characters are definitely more rare than their male counterparts, they DO exist. Beyond Good and Evil is a good example. Another one is Eternal Darkness - although you play as a bunch of different characters, the main character that you keep going back to is female.

False. The way to draw in female gamers is to publish games that have relatable female protagonists, and to fight against the idea that a female character's place in a videogame is as a leather-clad sexpot villainess, a helpless trophy, or a healbot surrogate Mommy. Honestly guys, it's not hard. Sony seems to have to

I came to this thread hoping that it was going to be about how awesome Okamiden is going to be.

Is there any actual difference whatsoever in this new remake besides the visuals?

It was a similar situation at E3 this summer. Excited as I am about the 3DS, I was not willing to wait multiple hours for a crack at it. It's also why I plan to order my 3DS online.

I hope THQ doesn't take the easy way out by making a low-budget kids game. This could be a really big thing for them if they realize the potential of this project.

@Disa: Didn't they release a Metal Gear Solid PSP bundle with a nice green PSP?

I love having lots of quality games around, and I'm proud of my collection. I'm serious about only buying games with original cases and in good condition. It shows people who come to my apartment exactly what kind of person I am. The one time I traded in some games (Pikmin and Escape from Monkey Island, for Super

Huh, I feel like I just watched this movie, except it was an episode of Torchwood.

@zelfmoordkonijn: Boston is the only place where I've been genuinely scared for my life while driving.