
@Brodka: regrettably: While games with female main characters are definitely more rare than their male counterparts, they DO exist. Beyond Good and Evil is a good example. Another one is Eternal Darkness - although you play as a bunch of different characters, the main character that you keep going back to is female.

False. The way to draw in female gamers is to publish games that have relatable female protagonists, and to fight against the idea that a female character's place in a videogame is as a leather-clad sexpot villainess, a helpless trophy, or a healbot surrogate Mommy. Honestly guys, it's not hard. Sony seems to have to

I came to this thread hoping that it was going to be about how awesome Okamiden is going to be.

Is there any actual difference whatsoever in this new remake besides the visuals?

It was a similar situation at E3 this summer. Excited as I am about the 3DS, I was not willing to wait multiple hours for a crack at it. It's also why I plan to order my 3DS online.

I hope THQ doesn't take the easy way out by making a low-budget kids game. This could be a really big thing for them if they realize the potential of this project.

@Disa: Didn't they release a Metal Gear Solid PSP bundle with a nice green PSP?

I love having lots of quality games around, and I'm proud of my collection. I'm serious about only buying games with original cases and in good condition. It shows people who come to my apartment exactly what kind of person I am. The one time I traded in some games (Pikmin and Escape from Monkey Island, for Super

Huh, I feel like I just watched this movie, except it was an episode of Torchwood.

@zelfmoordkonijn: Boston is the only place where I've been genuinely scared for my life while driving.

@corpocracy: That is pretty cool! Thanks, everyone, for enlightening me.

I totally know how he feels. Once, when I was fighting some bandits, I went into VATS mode to deliver a couple of headshots from my shotgun...only to come back out to find out that loyal, stupid Dogmeat had leapt for the bandit's throat, directly into the path of my bullets.

I'm a little confused. If the game hasn't even entered beta, how can they justify selling it?

How on earth are you supposed to pronounce that name?

@jennifer16: I'm very sorry that this happened to you and your family. It seems to say more about the pathetic inability of the law to hold people who have already proven that they can't be trusted behind the wheel than anything.

@BrooklynKnight: Yep, that's definitely a rational response to someone alerting you to the fact that you almost ended their life by tossing a non-harmful magnet onto your precious snowflake of a car.

I definitely saw the fat pony from Hark! A Vagrant in the first panel, which is enough for me to give this webcomic a shot.

The reason retail has been around for thousands of years is that there was no other alternative. Seriously, shouldn't that be obvious?

@Toastie: This actually makes a lot of sense. I spent a semester in Japan and I noticed that my classmates seemed way more comfortable hanging out in the context of after school clubs (i.e., a structured, formalized setting) than they were just grabbing a bite to eat after class. Thanks for the informative reply,

@Toastie: Now I'm curious. In what way are casual American friendships tragic to a Japanese mind?