
@Pugnate: But isn't that basically what he said?

@CSX321: I think there were still a few steps between a Roman Empire era of technology (which is what we lost) and a true Industrial Revolution (which is what we gained, at the end of the 19th century). There were still huge cultural steps we had to take to connect the two, and in some areas of the world, we did. The

@Cobaltios: As far as recent DS RPGs go, Dragon Quest 9 and Bowser's Inside Story are pretty enjoyable. I'd also recommend SMT Devil Survivor and Spirit Tracks, if you don't mind some action in your RPG.

@Frosted Mini-Wheats: I'm a little confused. You only have four possible points listed. How is it possible to make it to five?

@flugennock: Wow, dude. A persistent vegetative state? The policy sucks but these cronies didn't make it. The only thug I see around here is you.

@asdf4321: You'd buy a PC and a PS3 for $300? That seems unlikely.

After the patent office stopped receiving money from taxpayers, the process devolved from "patenting things that are new and useful" to "patenting anything by anyone who can afford to pay the fees."

Her legs are short, but they're not THAT short. I think we're all just used to seeing this plug suit on Rei's exaggeratedly swan-like form.

@Skyward Sonik: I was a big fan of PoP '08. Perhaps if Enslaved does well, it'll convince Ubisoft that people will play more of that type of game.

@myma1313: Sorry. You knew what I meant though.

I'd have done the exact same thing if I thought for a second that the huge banner put my life in danger. Advertising is not worth dying for.

@raymondit: Did you even look at the picture before you started typing?

It was a cute proposal, but the cinematography was terrible. Didn't show the couple at all during the 'proposal', and cut out before we could even see the woman's reaction. Super lame.

What a waste. Imagine how much of human knowledge has been lost because of stuff exactly like this.

@FermentedDischarge: Yeah, they didn't put garbage in on purpose. They put in newspapers, letters, all just got turned into garbage by moisture and time.

That's an amazing setup for a scifi novel. Living in a ring of perpetual twilight, where one side means searing death, and out of the other comes....dark creatures.

I thought this was just supposed to be a tech demo. Is this, like, a definitely for-reals thing now?

It might be an attempt to appeal more to Western gamers. And what do Western gamers love to do? Use big-ass guns to mow down some zombies. It's scientifically proven!