
@Muskrat 42: I'm sorry, but we're all adults. This game is no different than MW2, but we're calling the OpFor Taliban. This is simply put, the Maj. Gen. of AAFES misconstruing what that woman on TV was crying about.

@stop2: You cannot load it onto any USB drive, it has to be a specific type. But the PSGroove has been ported to Nokia N900's and I believe they are working on porting it to the PSP and maybe even android/iPhone.

@notfred: My bad, I saw that after the fact, but I think that was a mistake, I'm almost positive those are 3G's (not a pair of 3GS's)

@notfred: how do you know it was a 3gs, because the 4.0 one performs EXACTLY how my garbage 3G does.

@rainfool87: That's what I was thinking too.

@Hedgeson: It can be shipped to me, but it's the principle of the matter. I realize I'm in the military, and I give up certain luxuries, but this is stupid. God forbid you shield the people who are ACTUALLY OVER THERE FIGHTING THE DAMN WAR from a video game about the damn war.

@andrew_berge: I was about to say the same thing! But being that small for a thumb(nail) drive (c wat i did thar?) I would probably lose it in like 3 days.

@Deaf Mute: I have a damn problem with it, I'm about to go to Korea for a year and the only place I would have been able to buy the game will no longer be stocking it.

@kelevra16: I put a 500GB in my original 60GB launch model and I love it. You just need a 2.5 inch HDD (Laptop size) you can put a 5400RPM or a 7200RPM in there, but I suggest the 5400 RPM drive because I have heard that the 7200RPM drives caused some overheating issues.

@Asdru: That would be so freaking sick.

@tvick47: Ummm... Please tell me you're joking. There is nothing in this pic remotely close to child porn.

@unibrow4o9: I was thinking the same thing, I'm calling this pic shopped

Ummm, Uh, Ummm, Uh... That was WAY more distracting than the bag.

@iPolak: Seriously, think about it! Let's talk Fable with the kinect... You have your sword and shield, but how do you move freely? Oh right, use the 360 controller. Now you only have 1 hand, and the other is quite uncomfortably carrying a 360 controller to move about. It just sounds silly... No doubt the kinect is

@chrisfox01: Best comment of the week... How do I nominate this?

@ghostbusterbob: That was one of the best videos Ive ever seen.

@Alduron: I'm not saying Valve isnt doing thier part, but look at all of those amazon lists from all over the world. Number 1. More than PS3, and 360 games. Steam is awesome and I play valve games too. PC gaming is just falling to the wayside compared to consoles, not to say there aren't any PC games left, it is far