
@Vojtas: :D Great point. Leave it to blizzard to singlehandedly bring PC gaming back. LOL

@mrjoeyyaya: PAIN is going to be Move compatible.

@no computers in texas: I'm not seeing it there. You're going to have to maintain a blizzard account for this game.

@DarkPGR: Wow, fanboy much? Not all PS3 guys said "MOTION CONTROLZ ARE FOR TEH NUBS" And the movie is MUCH more than a wiimote. Also, the Move offers so much more possibilities than the kinect. Enjoy playing all of your games on rails while I'm playing killzone 3.

@oonlan: They were saying they were being more environmentally conscience than say Pixar or Dreamworks. Other animation studios use GIGANTIC arrays for rendering.

@Dezerus Richardson: Have you ever seen a PS3? I honestly use my PS3 more for streaming movies/tv than gaming. It's a perfect streaming device, it has bluray, internet, music, and its and awesome gaming system. Seriously, check it out.

@bucho54: Welcome to the military.

@Mr.Brian: LMAO, I quit so many blackjack tables because of him. I have shot him so many times, he always comes back...

@CowLion: All right, I can't knock a guy for making an informed decision. I wont be picking it up right away, but I'll be getting it sooner or later I'm sure.

@CowLion: Dude, Wipeout HD is worth 20 bucks alone, you think in a years time they will offer a couple more games for free? It will pay for itself.

@Danza: Holy hell, people play farmville. I think 5 MILLION people play farmville. I think that makes it one of the most popular games on the planet. Yes, it can be on Kotaku.

My 60GB console works like a charm, although, I did put a 500 GB drive in it pretty recently.

@njdevil: Wait, so EA fails for not putting fake car s in the game? I understand that el nino was bad ass, but I'm pretty sure it can be replaced with a REAL CAR.

@JeffPom: I'm with you, I don't know why this needed clarification.

@Cheetoh: Do you really thik that Verizon is that much better? You can pu the most popular phone on the planet on ANY carrier and they will run into issues with something. They just said they had 13 MILLION hits yesterday. I'm pretty sure Verizon would have some pain about this too.

I was about to buy an Xbox and I'm glad I hesitated. I would have been pissed if I did.

@cippycup: That's DR. Sheldon Cooper.