
@symphonycometh: Remember that other time we thought GT5 was going to be released in 08?

@TheSheriff: That's a little disturbing, but at the same time, I'm on the same page. I'd kill for a good golf game.

@Renzo: I bought it yesterday. To be completely 100% honest, you don't realize it. You do notice it when you see a side by side comparison, but just playing the game, it looks gorgeous. There ia no reason you shouldn't go buy it and enjoy it.

@AOClaus: "No I'm F***ing serious, I'll do it."

@Dr Durdon: Nice Robin Williams refference!

@hexidethoth: Wow, it's not that serious. Are you even doing Paradigm shifts yet? Have you started evolving your Crystarium?

@Rebochan: He also got that 60 GB PS3 about 4 years ago... I wouldnt be SUPER upset if my 60 GB YLOD on me.

@RingoDX: I hate to say I told you so, but, PS3 is better for FFXIII!

@MetBrody18: Yes. Yes you are. In conclusion... AHEM.

@senselocke: Man, how often do you really use that PS2... And if you really wanted BC, you should have bought the first model like me. I have full BC, guess how many games I've played on it? Maybe 2. It's not that great.

@nesstee: You guys can use your PS3. Just don't get any trophies because they might be lost. I was playing Demos with no problems, and I have been using it for the Media server. I'm not about to fire up Assassin's Creed because I don't want to screw up my trophies.

@Bgrngod: Really, how arrogant can you be?

Stupid Xbox. Stupid Ferrari. Stupid Colts.

@rainynight65: Quit crying, if you wanted to do it legit, then you shouldn't have looked at the damn answers. Some people have lives and jobs and kids and cant sit here for however long playing a game to unlock a game.

Writers for Lost: "Hey guys, it's been 5 minutes, lets mind-fuck them again!"

Ripped her Goddamn skin right off her body...