
I least on the core point. I do agree that the female characters in halo 4 are not as androgynous as their earlier counterparts...but I think that's more due to the fact that the character designers at 343 are honestly better artists and understand anatomy better than the guys at Bungie and thus they

You can make snide remarks all day long, but I'm just explaining the controversy to people whose head its gone over.

The Halo games are actually a fantastic example of depicting women in the military. I challenge you to find me an example of a Halo character who's meant to be a strong military character has been sexualized in any way shape or form. If anything the women in Halo have more often been criticized for being overly

Actually, it is. Cortana is a great example of cheesecake, but people who cite her in this instance are making an apples to orange comparison that misses the point of the controversy. The problem with the MGSV character is that she's half naked. It's that she's supposed to represent a strong female military

Sadly, in American politics, this is true for about 90% of the issues.

Consider me sold. Capcom has made it pretty clear they don't give a damn about MegaMan at this point, so this is definitely a welcome sight.

Now playing

It would be amazing if it did though. Actually, is it really so inconceivable that it might? Dust: An Elysian Tale had moments where it started to approach that level of quality and that entire game was basically created by one guy.

A message to the people who say: "Remember Heath Ledger...see how that turned out?"

I've got a big problem with that comparison: it assumes that Ben Affleck's acting capability is comparable to Heath Ledger's and I've got an entire career's worth of evidence to prove otherwise

I'll be the first to admit that I was

No. The situations are not the same.

Unlike Ledger, the problem here for me isn't that: "Oh man...he's a good actor...but I don't see him in this role". The problem here is: "Oh man....he's a *TERRIBLE* Actor...I don't see him in *any* role."
He's a great filmmaker and a very very very handsome man, but at his best as I wont.

DarthArma made a really good point the other day about the whole thing.


I *never* implied that the spider-man books were "better" because their focus is different. For the record Batman > Spider-man IMO.
Quite frankly, I would think that when I say something like "(Batman's) fights with classical villains" I shouldn't have to spell out that I'm talking about more than just "bang", "pow",

1. Yes, oftentimes there is a level of introspection going on in the Batman stories with Bruce Wayne, but in the memorable batman stories it's usually a subplot that's instigated by the larger conflict going on . IE scott snyder's "Death of the Family" run deals with the themes you're talking about, but they're dealt

100% agree. The Spider-man costume and gimick is cool and all, but when you think about the greatest and most memorable of Spider-man stories you quickly realize that unlike Superman or Batman's adventures, they're not about Spider-man's fights with classical villains.

I like to pretend that I'm playing a young oliver queen going through his origin story (which is why I only use the bow) he kind of has to suffer for being a prat for the majority of the game. It's his redemption.

I haven't finished farcry 3 yet but I got pretty far and I've done just about everything I possibly can to avoid getting near the water for that reason. I thankfully haven't seen a shark yet. The one mission where you have to hang glide to the boat out at sea was seriously nail biting though.

I did however have a


You went and did it, didn't you ubisoft!!! I knew you would. I knew the second I saw the first screenshot of the main character swimming underwater there was going to be a goddamn shark to deal with.

DAMNIT!!! I can barely play Treasure trove cove in Banjo Kazooie, and the shark from Echo defender of

Sigh...I come to Kotaku (a gaming website) and see this badass illustration of the SDF1 and get super excited for a next gen robotech game. least it made me realize how badly I want that.

There's a debate in the community as to how long it actually takes these days to grind out the game admittedly. At one time years would have been inarguable, and Marvel 2 is a great example of that.
Thanks to the existence of more sophisticated training modes on home consoles *and* the massive boom in social media and