
My only problem with this dlc from everything I've seen is that this feels like a great epilogue to the series....but its actually an intermission of sorts. I worry it can't *not* feel out of tone with the events of the game around it.

God damn I cannot wait for this game.

Obviously there are multiple things that go into making a character you care about, and graphics in no way automatically are a substitute for good writing, but anyone who suggests that graphics play no part in creating characters obviously hasn't thought the issue through.

As someone extremely let down by Assasins Creed III, Color Me HYPED!

+1 Nailed it.

I have been scratching my head for years at this point trying to figure out why apple hasn't made a larger push into the videogame industry. They've basically completely usurped control of the handheld gaming market from nintendo, and they did it without even trying. about epic level Trolling.

It's the hypocrisy and double talk that has people fuming.

The NRA's main mission is to support gun manufacturers.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: This is political cowardice and theater at its worst.

For a fanfilm it's hard to judge too harshly...but there's definitely a lot of ham and amateur mistakes in this thing.

For the most part no...with the occasional exception. They definitely sell the best entry level arcade sticks by far.

This is the worst kind of political theater and distraction. There have already been a ton of studies to find a connection between violent games and real world violence under previous administrations and independently and the connection is so non existent that *I* don't even believe it. The NRA and everyone in

Lol. Not saying I'm going to ban you or anything...but if you're carrying an assault riffle you're missing out on such a huge part of the game. It's not quite the same as playing through metal gear with the invisibility camo, but the AI is fairly underwhelming and Assault rifles make the game waaaay too easy.

Seriously, if you haven't tried it I highly recommend it. At first it can feel a little frustrating dealing with the handicap, but once you learn how to lead your shots with the arrows the exhilaration you feel calling and picking off your targets just blows everything else out of the water. Makes you feel like some

Stealth? Who said anything about stealth :)

Oh. My. God.

Wow, talk about ad hoc.

Lol. So half-life 2 was an inspiration for all modern FPS games....which is why the vast majority of modern fps games are absolutely nothing like Half-life 2 at all. Got it.

My first FPS was Doom II. Yes, II, not III.