
Core inspiration for every FPS game that was released afterward? I guess that's why nearly every FPS today is a modern military online tactical shooter with shooting that feels like Call of Duty.

As someone who has tried multiple times to get into WOW and has never been able to get very far....I have to say I feel like it got robbed.

Photoshoping your screens is one thing, but personally I'm pretty forgiving if all you do is turn up the anti aliasing, rendersize, and texture quality when you make your screencaps.

Skyward sword begs to disagree.

Having not played farcry 3, I assume it means that if you have "health regeneration" checked in the options menu.....your health won't regenerate. You have to uncheck it for it to work.

My gamertag used to be the same as my username, Sepharih, but anybody that ever wanted to say my name over voice chat usually took a minute to try and pronounce it properly and it was usually hard to tell when someone was talking to me because people would all have different ways of saying it.

Well yeah...but the point about the sales contract is kind of what I was getting at. I'm not a lawyer or legal expert of any sort, but I know it's often not as cut and dry as owning the original source of something and then suddenly having complete and total rights to it.

A counter example: If you bought the original negative to a movie (lets use star wars as an example), how do you think Disney would react to you uploading a new transfer of the film to the internet?

Well to be fair, the strength of Mjolnir's armor and shields is something that fluctuates a lot based on the needs of gameplay and the plot. He can die from a plasma pistol...but he's also survived atmospheric reentry twice nothing new there.

Eh....fair enough. I actually teared up in that whole sequence....and I'm actually not really sure she's coming back. To be honest I actually felt like that whole moment was the emotional climax to everything that had been built up between those characters.

Yeah, I just watched all of those earlier this morning...awesome stuff. I'm with you in the hopes he isn't dead. He's too interesting a character and he has too much potential as a villain to just kill him off like that.

If that's what he's talking about I actually do have to agree. Only problem I think I had with this campaign was that for the first time I felt like they actually had introduced a central antagonist who represented a legitimate threat to our hero....and that potential was completely squandered. Luckily the real

....wait, what was the scene?

Had to do a triple take. Seriously, she nailed it. Even the lighting setup is dead on.

Only worked at small studios i'm afraid. Mostly on facebook and ios games...most of which never saw the light of day :( . Know some really talented people who moved on to bioware and kingsisle though...hope to follow them some day.

I remember one of my biggest epiphanies as a character artist was when I realized just how important a strong visible silhouette is to making a memorable character. A lot of the best concept artists I know focus exclusively on just black and white forms in the initial stages and flesh out the specifics after they

...So am I the only one who thought Gabriel Tosh from from SC2 was voiced by Phil Lamarr?!?

That was awesome!!! Story has a nice setup and the acting aside from a few hammy exceptions (looking at you general) is pretty solid thus far. Plus the VFX are fantastic!

Just give me 360 pad support on PC and I'll gladly double dip.

I haven't finished glasslands yet, nor have I kept up with the majority of the promo material, but they have established that there's a significant fundamentalist faction within the elite hierarchy that clings to the idea of the forerunners as being divine.