And yet they're practically the only ones who get away with passing that cost onto the consumer, which is especially absurd given the success of the free 2 play model.
I debated whether or not to put "a few exceptions aside" when writing it, but decided against it because even though a few of the games do have dedicated servers, the core of my point was that the money you are paying microsoft doesn't equate to better service.....because unless i'm mistaken it's valve and the…
I gathered as much but I didn't know for sure since I don't own a PS3. Personally I still think that beta access codes and game discounts are a BS subscription to pay for because that's the kind of thing that should be offered up front as an incentive to go through them rather than there competitors (kind of like…
The cost of xbox live gold *or* PSN is absolutely indefensible, period.
Yup, I think they explain it the same way Marvel V.S. Capcom explained it.
A supreme being would not come up with such an idiotic solution to a nonexistant problem. Only a writer with a looming deadline could come up with something so nonsensical.
Oh don't get me wrong, I don't think there is a "good" ending if you're paragon. You might save all life in the galaxy but you do so by compromising with the genocidal machines and you choose to believe against all evidence that you can actually control them now, forgeting everything you just told to illusive man…
The Crucible may or may not be a deus ex machina, but it's not really a "plot hole", and it's not really why the endings sucks. It's a boring done to death plot device, but it doesn't completely contradict and unravel the entire mythology in 5 minutes.....unlike spacebrat.
Well...I just can't honestly call it the "good" ending when it basically results in the failure to save our cycle.
Refusal is definately my ending, but it still frustrates me because it clearly is the "bad" ending and it's the only one that allows my shepard to stay true to his character.
Yes, shepard and his universe has a "core theme" because it and he are FICTIONAL. He doesn't "live like any of us do". He's an epic over the top heroic action hero, not a real person.
"If you dislike the Extended Cut, you're a self-entitled twat who has no respect for an artist's vision for a universe that they created."
Hulk is still missing the point. Putting aside the horrid indefensible storytelling of introducing a new central antagonist and doing a massive exposition dump that retcons everything and completely changes the central conflict of the series in the last five minutes...the real problem is that all 3 endings represent…
I agree as a general principle that competition can promote innovation and can be a good thing for consumers. I do NOT agree that is a universal truth for all situations, and I believe at times it is actually counter productive.
If the Wiimote and Kinect are the inovation this system is starting to create then I'm happy to stiffle it. :)
Here's a reason: I would like to be able to enjoy the entire software library available for this generation without having to purchase 3 seperate pieces of hardware to do it.
How do I know consumers are fed up with fragmentation?!? Because you can see it everywhere and in everything technology related! Do you remember the consumer frustration with the incomprehensible varieties of cellphone chargers? Now, mercifully, a few exceptions aside (i'm looking at you apple), just about…