
Good gravy....a potential 2 year prison sentence...for what?!? Downloading Battleship??? I don't give a damn if you think downloading things illegally is the same as outright theft or not. Anybody with half a brain should oppose that on the simple grounds that it makes no sense to waste tax payer money locking

Hey, I got no beef with Boll personally. People also say Paul WS Anderson is a super nice guy in person. They're still hacks.

The reason videogame movies suck is extremely simple, and it has nothing to do with "drawing from various sources" or anything whatsoever to do with the source material to begin with.

Fine by me. They've only got one shot to fix this...they better make it count.

/Signed.'re pretty dense aren't you?

Beat me to it. Ultimate alliance isn't perfect but it's great for those coming down off their avengers high, and it's got awesome co-op to boot.

^Even if I had the money to do that.....I honestly don't think I would. 1920x1080 with a bit of anti-aliasing is plenty of pixels for me. The only thing that interests me at this point are things like SSS shaders and realtime displacement....but by the time any games come out which use that technology the 600 series

Hey, i'd be fine with them toning it down....but it's not like using sex appeal is something exclusive to gamers....and like I said, better this than trying to sex up the spartans and marines who I think have largely been extremely well handled.

Yup. If you need a little sex appeal for the demographic, then I MUCH prefer this to them somehow trying to sex up the female Spartans or Marines.

My wife and I found a perfect solution to this problem:

Art gets changed all the time based on criticism and feedback. Movies go through test screenings all the time, and tv shows change entire plot threads and characters based on how they track.

I think most people play a soldier as a carryover from Mass Effect 1. Honestly...there's not much sense in playing something other than a soldier in that game from my perspective. You can have the other characters for tech or biotic support, but what you really need for yourself is guns. Lots of guns.

^That's really the issue for the divide I think. If you're a hardcore Halo fan who knows the lore and followed the game for months then you knew going in it was a fairly brief campaign based on existing aspects, with only firefight were pleasantly surprised by the game. It had a lot going for it

ODST Hate I really think has more to do with how it was marketed rather than the actual game itself. ODST is a well created and written little sidestory that expands on the Halo universe, has some of the best level design in the series, succeeds in everything it attempts to do. It was Half-life 2: Episode 1 for the

^Yeah, you're right, cause forests and mountains are totally the same thing as a city. /sarcasm

I don't buy it yet for 1 simple reason.

Iskinder Shepard.

Ever heard the term bi-sexual?

I keep waiting for someone to create the obvious compromise. Keep the mouse, but then add on a one handed wii like nunchuck with a joystick, buttons and triggers. That way you get the best of both worlds for being able to move your character around as well as aim.