"The best way to fight piracy is to create a service that people need," he said. "I think (publishers with strict DRM) will sell less of their products and create more problems."
"The best way to fight piracy is to create a service that people need," he said. "I think (publishers with strict DRM) will sell less of their products and create more problems."
You know the first thing I thought of when I saw the trailer was ME......but i'm still stunned by how identical this side by side comparison is.
To be honest...I think I would be MORE than happy if videogame actors never got the kind of starpower status that movie actors seem to receive.
Wow that's a very interesting point.....except for the fact that the lore has already been run through the ringer in order to make way for the plot and playability of the game as it is, and aside from the fact that there are ALREADY hundreds of Green lanterns running around in the DC universe. That's why it's called…
It's so true....and it's just sad. I agree on all your points and I'm in the exact same boat. The ONE thing I knew would bring me back to the game, if they ever got around to it, was a green lantern prestige class.....and they won't do it.
So you're kind of like a green lantern....except your not. LAME.
*Insert your favorite menstruation joke here.*
"Firstly, how exactly do you figure that this will be the biggest launch of the year when games like Portal 2, Diablo 3, SWTOR (I think), all come out this year."
Lol, I love the comments here. Reminds me of the absurd Halo hate bandwagon.....
"....and why wont another game of similar genre like say Battlefield 3 have that same accolade? "
Glad to know I'm not the only one who sees it.
"Sure, let's completely forget about Gears of War 3 and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim."
It's a perfectly objective observation. MW3 will have the biggest launch of its year...probably of any entertainment product ever. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out, whether you like or hate the game.
I'll take that bet.
^No, it's the easiest call in the world. Modern Warfare 2 sold 4.7 copies in its first 24 hours. As of today it's sold at least around 10 million units in the US alone. Now look at the sales for those other titles.
Don't blame the writer for popular opinion. Exactly how much would you like to bet that MW3 outsells all of those titles.....combined? You don't have to like it, but it's a simple inevitable truth. MW3 will have the biggest launch of its year.
Seriously...you people who doubt that this is going to be the biggest game of 2011 are flat out delusional. Maybe, just maybe, if it's good enough BF3 will wind up eventually selling more copies and taking MW3's spot on live like when COD4 dethroned Halo 3....but there is no way in hell that it's going to have a…
As in: It's going to make the most money of any game of 2011. Hell...It's probably going to be the biggest launch in entertainment history. Like or hate the franchise...barring some kind of divine intervention that's an almost undeniable truth.
Another one:
"I'm loyal to nothing, General.. except the Dream. "