
This is what happens when you have multiple writers come in and out of serialized fictional characters. Core values/morales may remain consistent...but when you get to more grey areas or things that don't have a clear right or wrong answer.....well...there you are.

The Sega and Half-life swatches worked instantly on me. I immediately thought sonic and half-life when i saw them. They were the only ones though.....some of them like GTA vice city I recognized after I saw the name...but not before.

^Yeah, I know that MK is heavily influenced by "Enter the Dragon". I get WHY Kang was created and was the hero of the first game...but that doesn't mean they're obligated to keep him around. He's only the main character because....well...he was in the first game.

Liu Kang should have stayed dead. In addition to being unbelievably cheap, he's one of the worst characters in the MK lineup and leaving him out would have made room for the real stars of this franchise.'s not as good looking as Sonic Fan remix. I think they've gone too conservative with their visual can barely even tell it's 3D. Fan Remix really took advatange of some of the backgrounds and crazy stuff they could put on the screen whereas this is a little too literal a recreation I

Dragon Age: origins Ultimate edition on PC

@Lunarll: If you want to get technical...probably not. Simulated Intelligence might be a more accurate term for what videogames seek....but for better or worse, AI is the terminology most people use.

@Lunarll: Programming an AI to "KNOW" its options is only counter productive depending on what the goal is. If the goal is for a videogame and to provide an entertaining's probably a good idea to let the AI know it's options so it can react in the way that the game designer wants it too. It's not so

@AureateFlux: The problem though is that these "real mistakes" don't necessarily translate to realistic behavior in-game. An AI that performs a faulty calculation when trying to aim at your head may only have the math off by a bit....but in-game his behavior could appear to be completely erratic and nonsensical.

@FlashMedallion: I understand the principle, and again, i'm not an expert in AI development. What I'm saying is mostly my interpretations of other people who do program AI.

@Kent: I don't pretend to be an expert on this subject...but from what I think I know I'm pretty sure this wouldn't work.


Reach wins GOTY for me....but it just barely passes ME2.

It's complete and total bull.

God damnit Rush Limbaugh...first you have an unbelievably hysterical and self depreciating guest appearance on family guy...and now this?

@Joey Hernandez: You're WRONG good sir. As a longtime fan of the old sonic, who just downloaded the demo, this game beats the ever loving crap out of Sonic 4. Sonic moves just like he used too in this game, while in the new one he is so clunky and slow it's unbelievable.

@SeraphX10: ah don't worry! You can play with the ironman spidey suit!!! That's just as good Right?