
perfect. this is where i get to go all fox news and say,

What strikes me, resident outside the US, as bizarre, is the thought that servers in restaurants (only in New York? Only in major cities? Or all over?) seem literally to depend upon tips to survive. Which seems to mean that restaurants don't pay a living wage.

So, you may already know this, but there's probably a corporate policy in place that told that kid he had to ask about the Kroger card for every single customer. There are a lot of stupid policies like this - for instance, I was just at the grocery store with my 87 year old grandmother, and she got carded buying wine.

I feel like I would have gone over my degrees, pointed out where that landed me, and then talk about how successful Gates and Zuckerberg were as dropouts.

Make them pay, and if they're douche-bags, call the cops, but then again if I'm not the owner of said restaurant maybe it's just not worth the hassle.

Hmm, I just got an insight on how a dyslexic person must feel when reading stuff. The words are all in English, but I simply have no understanding what you wrote.

Off topic, kinda. I used to work in a lab drawing blood. It was summer and the AC wasn't working properly. We were all slightly crabby and drenched in sweat. One day this fellow comes in and as I'm wrapping the elastic band around his are, I comment on his name—Robert E. Lee. He must have assumed my accent made me a

You know what? As a now-white person AND a Law Enforcement person, I actually can see a good thing about this guy: he's the kind of person I love in my job, who spares me of several minutes of "He did", "I didn't", and go straight into doing the very thing he's being accused of, right in front of me and several other

I recommend a PUA cruise line. Take them out on the water with promises of good food and camaraderie.

I've always said I want to be Sophia. I eagerly await getting old enough to say whatever the fuck I want with no filter and getting away with it because I'm so old.

"Even though some people argue that binge-watching is a harmless addiction, findings from our study suggest that binge-watching should no longer be viewed this way. Physical fatigue and problems such as obesity and other health problems are related to binge-watching and they are a cause for concern. When

When binge-watching becomes rampant, viewers may start to neglect their work and their relationships with others.

There are a lot of commenters on here are sharing their stories of being raped while sober, and I want to say I see you, and I'm listening and I feel your pain.

Long time fan, first time poster. . .

Well now I'm really disappointed that their "oven-baked sandwiches" aren't called SUBS.

You know this is in Oklahoma right? Not that I would put it past any of our batshit crazy Kansas politicians to try it, but this one isn't ours.

So that 2008 quote where she mouth-farted this gem: "The homosexual agenda is destroying this nation, OK, it's just a fact. Studies show no society that has totally embraced homosexuality has lasted, you know, more than a few decades. So it's the death knell in this country." I've heard similar sentiments from

I had the privilege of going to both public and private schools in Oklahoma. My private Catholic school taught me that non-conformity and any and all questioning of authority was from the devil and was what was intrinsically wrong with me. My public school taught me critical thinking and acceptance. One was chock

I know someone who found out his girlfriend was pregnant and immediately married her (as in, within 72 hours of finding out she was pregnant), to "do the right thing". Like a few weeks later it came out that the baby wasn't his, and one of his best friends was the father, so he got it annulled as fast as possible.