This woman is the type of mother that makes me hate mothers.
This woman is the type of mother that makes me hate mothers.
"We made one of the most successful RPG games in history, that was number one on Steam even years after it was released. What should we do next?" "Jump into the vastly overcrowded MMO market?" "YES."
I had an adventure like that at a Mexican food restaurant we used to frequent. In my mind Iordered two tacos, one fish, one chicken. I guess what I said was, "Two tacos, fish and chicken." What I got was two tacos with both fish and chicken on them. It took me a while to figure out what I was eating. I couldn't…
My husband and I were at a restaurant with a large menu when a normal 30 something couple comes in. They both sit on the same side of the booth and the woman starts reading the menu to her male companion. She reads the title, description then price for all of the appetizers. I assumed he was blind, couldn't read,…
Reminds me of a collegue of mine that was mother to 2 young boys and married. She came in one day in a tizzy and announced that there were "penises everywhere". She went on to explain that she felt "surrounded by penises" at home and that she was tired of "seeing penises". If I could have recorded her rant in…
I love Sorority girls' penchant for fancy-ing up even the most mundane of details. "GOD BECKY THIS DRESS ISN'T PURPLE YOU DUMB BITCH IT'S CLEARLY AUBERGINE."
How The Grinch Stole Christmas! :-)
Well, it is just some flesh sponges wrapped in a skin tube so any decent pair of scissors should......
I got "called up to the show" as it were, to be maid of honour for a childhood friend after she and the original maid of honour had a very dramatic "mutual break-up" at 3am on the night of the bachelorette party. 6 days before the wedding. Original MOH Jess (her real name, because fuck you, Jess) had driven the bride…
I was on the other side of kick-out drama in that I got to be "replacement bridesmaid." And by "got" I mean was begged and only agreed because the bride— my husband and I are really good friends of the groom— said the dress was already paid for and all I'd have to do was alter it and pretty pretty please i don't want…
I didn't kick anyone out, but my sister-in-law kicked a bridesmaid out of her wedding. She had this overly large group of girls, and one of the bridesmaid's sisters committed suicide about 6 months before the wedding. Apparently another bridesmaid made insensitive remarks to the girl and her family (and they were…
Years ago, I dated a girl who had a tradition of going to dinner with her parents on Sunday evenings. After a few dates, I was asked to join her for her Sunday dinner out with her parents. We met them at the restaurant, and her father, who had what my wife calls a "punch me face", made a pissy comment about us being 5…
If you would have handed me a bag of potatoes even five years ago, my first thought would have been to swing it at your head and take your wallet.
This article came along at the exact right time in my life. I just started learning ALL this stuff, because I just had a kid, and I realized I prooooobably shouldn't feed her Hot Pockets. So yea, my freezer is now all meat, and my pantries are now all uncooked starches. I even have a bag of potatoes! If you would have…
FREEZE PEACH! Yeah that's totally what that means.
I have a feeling many of you feel that the customer is not always right.