
That's when a guy walks up with the missing forty dollars and tells the woman it was on the floor by their table. To which she says "bullshit" and storms out saying that I'm a fucking thief. Moral of the story is, don't give small children lots of cash.

I imagine that guy probably paid out of his own pocket to make the

FWIW, Illinois lawyer weighing in. In Illinois, it's not illegal just to leave a child under the age of 14 alone at home. "Child abandonment" is knowingly leaving a child under the age of 13 alone without a responsible person over the age of 14 for a period of 24 hours or more while ignoring that child's mental or

Then, at very least, strong unions whose corruption is oriented around pleasing their fat, lazy workers are a good bit of healthy competition versus corporate corruption, aren't they? If we can't count on everyone being an angel, I'd rather know that at least all the devils aren't working for the other team.

To say nothing of long-term *sustainability*. The universe may be near-infinite, but a company's growth potential is not. I don't fucking understand why a whole bunch of people with, I assume, business or finance degrees can't see a stable, profitable, mid-sized company and go "yeah, good work there - you've got a

Thank you. At least now they don't claim "firefighters" is just for wildfire and "firemen" is for structural. I've been at this since the '80s, and eventually just had to become Chief, since it has no gender :)

Am I the only one who reads "Engagement Chicken" like "Easter Bunny" and imagines a Chicken in a top hat & tails, carrying a blue Tiffany box?

It is literally gibberish in Japanese. the first character can mean birth, life or genuine and the second character usually means existence or reality. The combination of the two kanji is not an actual word.

Both the client and the artist are lazy as all fuck. Tats are art and that tat is not difficult to cover. Try covering a sleeve of tribal! Except this "artist" would just suggest a long-sleeved tee.

Thats not a cover up.

Is it me though or does it kind of seem like the new tattoo is saying that the Japanese characters translate to "I'm sorry".

Sometimes when boys steal things they do do that though. Which is why so many grow up to be rapists maybe.

I'm tired of this. We focus on teaching women not to be raped; now we are starting to focus on teaching everyone around a potential victim to stop her from getting raped. There is still so little that is actually geared towards the criminal themselves.

We don't know Eric's orientation. That's the point. The mere perception of a non-heterosexual orientation was enough.

I was on board with this until you got to Dave and Ted and Dwayne and the conference call and the heartbreaking desire for this one day in the rapidly-diminishing days of my life to be different, to break from the ennui, to be one day where I could cry to the world that I AM A PERSON and I HAVE VALUE.

As soon as they have enough to retire!

His full comments are even worse: "I don't know if he had a concussion or not, I don't know that," Hoke said. "Shane's a pretty competitive, tough kid. And Shane wanted to be the quarterback, and so, believe me, if he didn't want to be he would've come to the sideline or stayed down." (Via mlive, emphasis added)

I honestly would applaud your boyfriend if he left you. You seem like a horrible, shitty human being.

Either that is a stage name or her parents were assholes. (Like Michael Ian Black aspires to be.)

You know, while I do kind of agree that being too nervous to text someone is a little extreme, I cannot hear anybody use the word "beta" outside of a software development or Greek alphabetical context without my "douchebag" alarms going off instinctively.