
I love breakfast fast food. Not eating it is the only time I can feel smug about my life choices.

Update: According to the New York Post, Lederman remembers making the comment, but denies he grabbed Laura's ass. On the other hand, he bizarrely defended his actions by saying, "I grab a lot of asses," and also referred to Laura as a "fucking cunt." Oh, and he claimed he "knew everybody," and that he'd prevent

To be fair, Terry Pratchett is literally the only reason I have any idea what a Morris dancer is.

You should add actual chickpeas to see what happens!

We have a lady who always asks for us to leave the chick peas off of her salad to which we reply we do not not have we ever put chick peas on our salads. Once you bring the salad out she will huff and puff and hold up the peppercini and exclaim she didn't want any chick peas. She's been told many times that it is not

I'm a little old - but not very old.

I went to a breakfast and lunch restaurant, well-established in its area, for the first time. I love chicken fried steak. It was not on the menu, but it was on the special list. So, I ordered it. When it arrived, it was actually a chicken filet, not beef. I complained to the waitress that I ordered chicken fried

I'm "emotionally harmed" by your butt-hurt stupidity

Ugh, can we stop wasting time and resources on arresting people for totally harmless shit?

Maybe they should try praying away the video.

Nothing like avoiding the argument in order to win. Enjoy the pool! :)

Southerners and Indians and millions of black people. So, not people people. But just look at okra now! The right kind of white people are starting to get into it and the Times. is. on it.

> whether a customer asking to go to "the G" was referring to Geelong, the post office
> or the Melbourne cricket ground.

What do we pour on people for concussion awareness?

I'm commenting for no reason besides letting you know that I appreciate your accurate use of "begging the question." That's awesome, you're awesome.

Your mom sounds awesome, tell her Jezebel thinks she's amazing.

1) Weird, but not personally offensive. I don't like pepper nearly that much, but I can't say his strange taste for it bothers me any.

I agree. I'm a developer of some F2P games and I'm just so tired of it. I always feels like it ruins a perfectly good game. I totally get the reasons behind that business plan (obviously), but as a player I despise it, and as a dev it's just so hard to put your heart into a game with F2P mechanics always lurking your

To be fair, there ARE many good mobile games, just they are completely drowned out by crap and bad business practice.
Probably so much so that developers with genuinely good ideas feel compelled to use said business practices just to keep their game from drowning since those type of games seem to be the only ones that

Except they don't actually teach history. True history is multi-disciplinary and isn't strictly limited to "name the battle that changed X" or "name the guy who did Y, and where was he from?". Knowing WHAT without knowing WHY is entirely useless. I blame the influence of the geographers. While they're a perfectly