@TsuKata: Given the price of storage media anymore this isn't an irrational strategy (save perhaps for the printing).
@TsuKata: Given the price of storage media anymore this isn't an irrational strategy (save perhaps for the printing).
@WUSS: Been there, done that. Never Again. 8hr days and a little extra here and there is NOTHING.
@jc001rd: Ok, I know there can never be an accord on such, but I think that 'sex' could be defined as: 2 or more persons, each choosing to be in physical contact for the purposes of physical pleasure, during which time a participant reaches climax. At this point all the participants are no longer virgins.
@yo_jimbo: I dunno about jspiers, but I have found them in Wichita KS, OKC OK, and Springfield AR. A triangle covering a fair chunk of .. [shrug], flyover country?
@menty666: I have found that IMAP is much more suitable to mobile device usage. It syncs the state of a folder (and potentially subfolders) on the server to the device, allowing all the clients that touch that folder to alter the state of the messages.
@menty666: Are you using POP or IMAP?
@John_Hazard: Too Late. The one in 'Lost In Transmission' [www.amazon.com] is even sorta habitable, 'cept when all the water freezes on the backside and flips the planet over every few millennia
@JCs doing this instead of working.: You got hearted for that reference.
@Just_another_number_and_clever...: Perhaps an interesting group to look into? [www.indiansceptic.in]
@Smeagol92055: You're right, but you have the scale wrong. Why do you think they all eventually stop working?
@homopanda: (: Exactly, like when someone vocabulary nazi's your post...
@la.donna.pietra: Thus I'd like to see the word 'wedded' come back into use for the religious component and 'married' for the legal. Sadly that might take longer than just starting from scratch with civil unions.
@MackayModo: Wellll, yes and no. Yes, 'Green' as a movement takes it name from the color of chlorophyll. However, the commercial tree industry isn't particularly 'green'. Way too much fertilizer runoff, and insecticide, and erosion.
@homopanda: motif
@Y2KGTP: Yup, and decorated with a mix of glass and white ornaments its quite festive.
@Cin: I was kind of hoping that was just her arm...
@Krakenstein: I was thinking more along the lines of Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion
@99TelepodProblems: Ah hah, the people behind your clip had either time or tech that the Tron people in the OP didn't. The smooth ribbons moving between disparate surfaces is what the OP's video people couldn't do. Had they fixed that, it would have been awesome.
@1Opinion: By and large, Yes.
@Lampdevil: Oh I admit that there are places for it. There are even things you literally cannot do without it, stir-fry for example. But, this recipe? No.