
@Zulkey: If you read the recipe you'll see that 'mise en place' is a stupid idea for this recipe. There is no reason for it to dirty more than a fry pan, a couple measuring things (if you consider dry spices dirtying), a chopping board and the bowl you make it in.

Pirates of Dark Water

@ericesque: I'm going to file the above under adult and impressed. A tangent point is that if someone out there is buying an android device to be a 'phone' they may be sorely disappointed. My Droid is a palmtop computer with a persistent 3G connection and a mic and a speaker and I can run POTS emulation on it if I

@jumpmanx2424: Chinese Rare Earth mineral supply domination?

@kingcrim84: 1) If it looks kinda like that and its hanging around with Peacocks, its a Peahen. 2) Thats a Pheasant.

@Ms. Take: Actually it does work a bit like a see-saw. For every person that holds their head up in pride there is one less neck avail for them to put a foot on.

@MtlAngelus: I wonder if we could talk someone into a glitch core cover of that?

@tamoko: Oh, yes That was an awesome tale. And we mustent neglect Sparrowhawk by Easton []

@wake1080: Maybe this one is lightweight, maybe this one doesn't interfere. But, I think you'll find that most people who have worked on computers for the last decade or so will tell you that Norton has run out of chances with them. #antivirus

@bytememehard: Is that the current name for 'comes from the store all worn out looking'?

@dellai: I don't think so, in step 8 he sealed it and then waxed the sealant for shine. It should be near bar-top stain resistant.

@VirginiaDentata: Ah, you see this is part of the sect (yes, as a nominal Christian I disclaim them) that believes it should be read: "Thou shalt not murder." Giving clear permission to whoever is in charge (obviously placed there by God in their eyes) to kill whichever of their subjects they feel like.