
I know someone that works for one of the large pharmaceuticals and they were saying that their salesman are now communicating with their customers remotely and are finding that the customers much prefer it this way. So wouldn’t surprise me if some permanent changes are made to some degree along those lines.

Oh okay I thought I read the SE was 4".

No chance I would go from an iPhone 8 to the SE due to the tiny screen.

Not that this is really relevant, but one of the best purchases I ever made was my lifetime Plex Pass many years ago for $100.

Yep, I freeze tons of meat with marinade and seal it all together.

Was gonna say the same. I have a great freezer and my vacuum sealer is still one of the best purchases I ever made.

Just like you shouldn’t rely on the internet (including Lifehacker) for information on it. Lots of misinformation out there.

Don’t you still need TP to dry with a bidet? Or are you running a hair dryer down there?

But was the front of that cart sanitized?

On a related note, I was thinking about something like that the other day. Since these restaurants are more than likely getting a much lower volume of customers, will they be more inclined to serve food past it’s expiry rather than have to trash it?

Okay, so that clears up...absolutely nothing...

People are stupid.



Don’t the pages start to fall off pretty quickly once you do this?

As a huge PT Anderson fan I would recommend passing on ‘The Master’. I prefer to think it never happened.

Bag the buds. For flying, a good set of noise-cancelling over-ears are a must.

For flying a good set of over-ears are a must. Bag the buds.

Awaiting the conveniently placed follow-up post of the day’s best deals on Surge Protectors...


You can buy stuff on Instagram?